REVIEW: Candy Brownie from Jolly Holiday Bakery Cafe at Disneyland Park


Candy brownie

REVIEW: Candy Brownie from Jolly Holiday Bakery Cafe at Disneyland Park


Candy brownie

REVIEW: Candy Brownie from Jolly Holiday Bakery Cafe at Disneyland Park

When it comes to sweet treats at Disneyland, there are options galore. Get Your Ears On Celebration has a ton of sweets to go along with all the standard sweet treats commonly offered throughout the park. With so many choices, it can be hard to decide, but do yourself a favor and check out the Candy Brownie at Jolly Holiday Bakery Cafe.

Candy Brownie – $4.99

Candy Brownie

This Candy Brownie is a lot, but all of it is good. It starts with a brownie base with chocolate chips, which is then piled high with buttercream frosting, covered in Mini M&M’s, and topped with a slice of Snickers. The brownie is actually closer to chocolate cake than a brownie. The brownie itself isn’t very sweet, which is a good thing considering all the other toppings. The buttercream is sweet, but light.

Candy Brownie

Just when we thought this dessert couldn’t get any more indulgent, we cut it in half and found another surprise at the bottom.

Candy Brownie

Half an Oreo!

Candy Brownie

All in all, it was a tasty treat. It’s sweet, but all the flavors compliment each other. While it’s not a large treat, it could easily be shared. So next time you are having a hard time choosing between a brownie, cupcake, candy, or a cookie, this treat will have you covered.

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