PHOTOS: Walt Disney’s Carousel of Progress at Magic Kingdom Gets a New Look

Tom Corless

PHOTOS: Walt Disney’s Carousel of Progress at Magic Kingdom Gets a New Look

Slowly over the last few years, we have seen Tomorrowland at the Magic Kingdom undergo a radical color change as various attractions have slowly received new, more colorful paint schemes. Carousel of Progress is the latest victim of the winds of change:


The facade is mostly white, but one segment of the lower section sports the new look.






I don’t know about you, but the color and styles remind me a lot of the old Space Mountain entrance…



We’ll keep you updated on the “progress” as the facade continues to be painted (since this minor paint job seems to be major news to us Disney fans).

What do you think of the new look for the Carousel of Progress?

10 thoughts on “PHOTOS: Walt Disney’s Carousel of Progress at Magic Kingdom Gets a New Look”

  1. Sweet old school photos. You should make an entire post just dedicated to old photos, any of which showcase how WDW looked back then.

  2. What about the cop signs and the gears, is it going to be change soon and the whole show?

  3. All these bright colors they stopped using on Discovery Island at AK – these had to move SOMEWHERE!

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