BREAKING: Star Tours Will No Longer Mix Places & Characters from Different Eras, Ride to be Separated Into Two Paths

Tom Corless

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BREAKING: Star Tours Will No Longer Mix Places & Characters from Different Eras, Ride to be Separated Into Two Paths

When Star Tours opens on November 17th, 2017, guests at Disney’s Hollywood Studios and Disneyland Park will only find characters related to the latest Star Wars trilogy and will likely never see these characters mixed with classic faces and sequences moving forward.

Star Tours Poster Crop

What does this mean? Well, an entirely new opening sequence featuring characters from Episodes 7 and 8 will debut, followed by the Jakku sequence, a transmission from BB-8 (and maybe even some other new characters), and then finally, the new Crait sequence featuring the planet from The Last Jedi.

At a later time to be determined, guests will then have a choice between two paths in the attraction, culminating in ride sequences that either feature characters from the current trilogy (episodes 7-8) or those from the past (episodes 1-6). Think of this like Mission:Space at Epcot, where guests can choose between two different versions of the ride.

It is unknown when this will begin, but it should be somewhere in the timeframe of 6-12 months after the debut of the Crait scene later this month.

This separation would alleviate confusion for guests, as characters from very different eras in the series have appeared concurrently in the Star Tours attraction since its overhaul in 2011. That being said, the classic version would span Episodes 1 through 6, which still covers a wide range of time in the saga.

14 thoughts on “BREAKING: Star Tours Will No Longer Mix Places & Characters from Different Eras, Ride to be Separated Into Two Paths”

  1. Just to clarify, the classic timeline works for Star Tours because it takes place between Episodes III and IV. You still see a lot of Prequel era stuff, but the story is after Vader has risen and the rebellion is just forming. This is why it is Boba Fett in the Slave I, not Jango, for example. The only scene that doesn’t make sense is the new Jakku scene, so it makes sense that they are splitting it off. Not that a theme park ride really has to make sense, but, you know, this is probably good. I wonder which one will have a shorter line?

  2. “alleviate confusion for guests”, what confusion and where are the confused? This is nothing more than some idiotic idea that originated by some fool that had to much time on his/her hands. Why don’t the Disney employees that are seeking to implement this idea crack down on the rampant laziness that I have observed with workers on the various and unnecessary construction projects that are littering the Disney property?!?!

    • My thought exactly. What confusion? Same universe, same narrative, what is the potential confusion? Timeline issues are minor to non-existent for kids who just like random characters without paying much attention to fanboi timeline scruples.

  3. Isn’t this a rumor unless you post a source? I’m just confused how this is so official sounding when you don’t work for the company and Disney hasn’t posted anything about it…

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