Robots 3 Sticker Shock

Nick LoCicero

Robots 3 Sticker Shock

Robots 3 was released today at Disney Stores and Online and it wouldn’t be a Disney Vinylmation release without some surprises now would it?

The 9″ Steambot Willie was featured on the Vinylmation Blog a week ago with a $69.95 price tag, already a bit high for a solo nine inch, but not unprecedented. Well, when it was released today, it actually had a 79.95 price tag attached to it.

I had hoped we were past these ridiculously high prices on solo nine inch figures. They tried it a few times to heavy backlash and seemingly low sales and have seemed to drop back down to manageable prices. But now they are giving $80 a try… any takers? Or will this be seen at next year’s Vinylmation madness sale? The LE is 1000 and here is a look at the back in case you have not seen.

The 3″ blind boxes were also released today. While we have seen the set by now, chaser and all, we had not seen the price tag. Disney Store decided to release this series at a $12.95 price point.

Not shocking for Vinylmation in general, as we are used to that price at the parks. However, the Disney Store blind box products are normally $9.95. So for a set that I was only on the fence about, but leaning toward buying at $10 a pop, this is too much and I now will spend my money elsewhere.

One last thing… there is an interesting note in the ad campaign banner I received in the email from the Disney Store today. The phrase “works with light-up base” appears. It is very interesting to see Disney promoting the base in general and for use with other figures. Whether they actually kept the base in mind while designing this series or just thought about it afterword, would be an interesting question.