Spotlight On: Rust This World’s Two Toned Vinylmation

Nick LoCicero

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Spotlight On: Rust This World’s Two Toned Vinylmation


Listeners, you are in for a treat today. We spoke to one of our favorite custom artists Rust This World about his latest series “Two Toned”. He was happy to share this series, and how you could own a piece of it, with us.


Destination Vinylmation: Welcome back Rust, explain your latest set.
Rust This World: Vinylmation 2-Tone is the culmination of several months work. My intention was to create an extremely stylized but also cohesive set of 12 figures. Since I incorporate a lot of shading into my figures anyway, I wanted to see what it would be like in a 2-toned black and white only style, giving it a super contrasted comic-book look.


DV: It looks great! What characters did you use?
RTW: Included in the set are Ariel, Beast, Donald Duck, Pinocchio, Cheshire Cat, Jessica Rabbit, Buzz Lightyear, Maleficent, The Evil Queen, Scar, The Hatbox Ghost, and Sorceror Mickey. There 3 different versions of Mickey because as soon as I showed him off on Facebook, I got over 10 messages of people wanting him.


DV: I don’t blame them, these figures look great! How can I get one?
RTW: There are 14 figures in all and in order to make it fair to everyone who wishes to purchase a figure, I will be selling them blindbox. The price will be $65 per blind box and they will be sold exclusively through my online store at starting at 10 am PST (1 PM EST) on Sunday, January 13th and will be available until they’re gone. There is no set limit on how many you can purchase.


DV: Here’s $650. Can I have 10? Just kidding. Good luck on the sale. Where can people find more of yours?
RTW: Visit my website at or become a fan on facebook at or follow me on twitter @rustthisworld


DV: Can you tease us about what you’re doing next?
RTW: My next project after this series is working with 11 other artists for the Custom Artist Project series 2. For info on that, join our group

DV: That project last year was beautiful, I can’t want to see what they do this year. Thanks again, and keep on collecting!

2 thoughts on “Spotlight On: Rust This World’s Two Toned Vinylmation”

  1. Dylan what a great set. I love the idea that only 2 colors were used. Maybe next time a little green man could be in the future.

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