“One Day at Disney” Cast Member Documentary Series Revealed as “Secret Walt Disney Company Project” During D23 Expo 2019

Jessica Figueroa

“One Day at Disney” Cast Member Documentary Series Revealed as “Secret Walt Disney Company Project” During D23 Expo 2019

Since the announcement of a “Secret Walt Disney Company Project” to be announced at this year’s D23 Expo, the internet has been clamoring with rumors and guesses as to what the reveal would be.

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Well, today, after a long day of continuous page refreshes, Disney has revealed the “One Day at Disney” documentary project, which offers an inside look at the day-to-day lives of Cast Members from across the Walt Disney Company worldwide.

“One Day at Disney” will take the form of a hardcover book, which is currently available for pre-order at the D23 Expo, and will also be featured as part of a special series coming to Disney+ on December 3rd.

Further details on the announcement will be available on Saturday’s “Secret Walt Disney World Company Project” panel taking place at Stage 28 from 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM.

7 thoughts on ““One Day at Disney” Cast Member Documentary Series Revealed as “Secret Walt Disney Company Project” During D23 Expo 2019”

  1. Well I never would have guessed this was the “secret project”! Nice- I was hoping for some this much more.

  2. Disney got the attention they wanted by using the phase “secret announcement” but this is super disappointing.

  3. This is incredibly disappointing. . . I thought it was going to be so much more. . . I still hope that Universal has a surprise of its own. . . that the new attraction at the old T2 3D is going to be STAR TREK!!!! Now, that would be a surprise!!!!

  4. To me, this is really bad marketing. Not that this news is not good. But to amp it up with a secret project strategy is really over doing it.

    Feels likes “crying wolf”. Next time wont be as powerful.

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