Walt Disney Imagineering and Khan Academy Introduce “Imagineering in a Box” Video Activity Series

Matthew Soberman

Imagineering in a Box Khan Academy

Walt Disney Imagineering and Khan Academy Introduce “Imagineering in a Box” Video Activity Series

For over six decades, visitors to Disney parks have been enthralled by the work of Imagineers. Now, a new video and activity series from Walt Disney Imagineering and Khan Academy offer you the chance to learn about the Imagineering process and try your hand at designing your own theme park with “Imagineering in a Box.”

Imagineering in a Box Khan Academy

Imagineering in a Box” offers lessons in such elements as color and its role in story, pitching attractions, and even controlling an Audio-Animatronic character. And the best part of all is that it’s absolutely free. Here’s the official description from Khan Academy:

Have you ever wondered how theme parks come to life? Disney Imagineers from hundreds of career disciplines around the world share how they use a wide range of skills – from story development and conceptual design, to math, physics and engineering – that all come together to create immersive experiences. Imagineering in a Box allows you to explore different aspects of theme park design, from characters to ride development, as you design a theme park of your very own.

If you’re more interested in strictly the video portion of the course, you can view the entire video series on Walt Disney Imagineering’s YouTube channel.


So let your imagination and curiosity run free with “Imagineering in a Box.” Who knows? Maybe one day, you’ll be designing the next great thing from Walt Disney Imagineering.


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