A brand-new show made an unexpected debut today at Disney’s Hollywood Studios in the Theater of the Stars on Sunset Boulevard. Grab your opera glasses, and let’s watch the brand-new Disney Society Orchestra and Friends show!
Outside the theater, the Beauty and the Beast themed banners remain.
The show features a 6-piece orchestra playing movie and TV tunes guests will find around Disney’s Hollywood Studios, culminating in a finale with appearances from Beauty and the Beast characters.
For a full viewing of the first show, check out our YouTube video below:
Who is skully!!! Come on Disney, learn your characters’ names.
This is painful to watch.
That’s terrible. And boring. No one is going to want to watch that. I can’t imagine a child sitting through it. That’s what happens when you refuse to pay a livingwage for union actors. Believe it or not, Training and experience cost money.
It’s a nice show and I like it. It is awkward, though, when Belle and the Beast appear and they can’t stand or dance together. A bit sad. Better to keep them out of it and just have the musicians and the other four characters in their big costumes. Could even add some other fully costumed characters from the other movies represented in the music performed. Nice to have a show and big area to sit down for a bit in that park.