Guest Brings AR-15 Rifle and Handgun to Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort Out of “Fear” of Local Protests

Jessica Figueroa

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Guest Brings AR-15 Rifle and Handgun to Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort Out of “Fear” of Local Protests

While these situations are rare, it seems a guest was recently caught with an AR-15 rifle and handgun checking in to Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort at Walt Disney World. The man claims he was “worried” for his family’s safety due to social justice protests in Central Florida.

According to Gabrielle Russon of the Orlando Sentinel, a 43-year-old man from Palm Beach Gardens checked into Disney’s Polynesian Villas & Bungalows (the DVC portion of the resort) the Saturday during the Labor Day holiday weekend, with his guns packed inside of a tennis bag. A bellman discovered the guns after wondering why the bags were so heavy. Management then contacted the Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

The man had a concealed weapons permit, bringing a total of three rifle magazine magazines with 90 rounds and two 9mm magazines with 20 rounds. Disney stored his guns through the end of his stay at the hotel’s safe. The rifle was stored at Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge.

Guns or weapons of any kind are not allowed on Walt Disney World property regardless of whether a guest has a permit or not.

Source: Orlando Sentinel

27 thoughts on “Guest Brings AR-15 Rifle and Handgun to Disney’s Polynesian Village Resort Out of “Fear” of Local Protests”

  1. I thought the Polynesian resort has been closed since March and isn’t reopening till 2021 summer? Also this article says this happened during labor day weekend which was over a month ago. Why isn’t it just now being reported?

  2. This is what happens when algorithms end up just feeding you confirmation bias and send you down rabbit holes on Facebook.

  3. As a strong 2A supporter and certified gun nut, Disney World is private property and their policies are clear. Respect their rules- or don’t visit. However, if you are going to flout the rules- don’t turn your guns over to the bellhops. What a dumba**.

  4. Respect the local laws. Seriously, who though building a Disney resort in the Las Vegas of the Southeast was a good idea?

  5. So….why’d the employee decide to look inside somebody’s bags? Pretty sure that’s an invasion of privacy. Surely there are laws against this?

  6. If this guy would have actually been present at his concealed weapons license class, he would have known that you are not allowed to carry ANY firearms on a property where fireworks are on site due to the sounds of the fireworks going off substantially mimicking those of firearms firing. This is not just Florida law, this is Federal law. It also lessens the likelihood of the firearms being used to set off the fireworks via someone’s gunfire.

    • Did you read the article , He had Disney security secure them inside there security office and then return them to him upon departure, hummm it is Legally to have conceded firearms in Florida as long as you have the proper permit, Guy he never even brought them inside the park , if you have a problem with it maybe contact the Orange County Sherrifs Office , They were called to Disney. Didn’t arrest him. What Law did he break?

  7. So you are telling us that one of your patron’s privacy was violated because one of your employees was curious?

    If only you showed that level of concern for the Chinese concebtration camps you filmed Mulan right next to.

  8. Police have discovered evidence of the true reason the prohibited items were brought on resort property The man in question had been hired to collect several pelts from Animal Kingdom by a Ms. C. De Vil.

  9. Is it the common practice of Disney Hotels to look through the bags of their guests “to see why they are so heavy”? It seems like the story here should be about the bellman being fired for looking through the sealed bags of a registered guest.

  10. I’m all for responsible gun ownership(part of that is knowing and understanding the local, state and federal laws!) but someone doing something like this just shows how irresponsible they are, their right to ownerships should be revoked, and they should be banned from the parks indefinitely. Plus what an excuse! As if Disney would let anything that could possibly be volatile get somewhere near, around or inside the parks. They have enough bad press without something like that happening.

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