Disney and Pixar’s Soul premiered on Disney+ on Christmas yesterday. Pixar fans will know the studio has a collection of easter eggs they include in every one of their feature films. Soul is no exception, so here is a list of where you can find every Pixar easter egg in the film. Be warned, there are slight spoilers ahead.
Pizza Planet Truck
The Pizza Planet truck first appeared in Toy Story, wherein Pizza Planet was a location the characters actually went to. Though Pizza Planet itself has not made an appearance since, the iconic truck has appeared in every Pixar film, even Brave despite being set in Medieval Scotland. In Soul, you’ll spot the Pizza Planet truck to left in The Hall of Everything (below the plane). You’ll probably also see a few other Pixar items hidden in the appropriately-titled hall, including Axiom from WALL-E (center, in the distance), Willy’s Butte from Cars (center left), and more, all in one shot.
A113 (a CalArts classroom number) also appears in that same shot of The Hall of Everything but might be harder to spot. It can be seen on a street sign to the right, beneath the Ferris wheel.
Luxo Ball
The ball from Pixar’s Luxo, Jr. short is in 22’s cardboard box home, to the left of the sink and couch.
Joe Grant, Joe Ranft, and Jack Kirby
Also in 22’s home is a wall covered in name tags. While everyone on the wall is famous, there are three names Disney and Pixar fans might recognize: Joe Grant (center left in the image above), Joe Ranft (bottom center), and Jack Kirby (top center). Grant was a Disney Animation Legend who worked on Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and several Disney films following, including Pixar’s Monsters, Inc. Ranft, also a Disney Legend, worked at Disney and later Pixar, including co-writing Toy Story and voicing Heimlich in A Bug’s Life. Kirby was an iconic Marvel comic book artist and writer.
Partners Statue
A version of the famous Partners Statue from Disneyland and Magic Kingdom appears in Dr. Borgensson’s Hall of You early on in Soul.
“2319” was the code shouted when a human sock was found on a monster in Monsters, Inc. It’s visible on the side of a subway train in New York City (top left of the image above).
Brang may not be as recognizable to Pixar fans as some of these other easter eggs, but it first appeared in Inside Out. Riley’s dad works for Brang and wears a shirt with the logo on it. An advertisement for Brang is partially visible inside a subway car (top left in the image above).
Like almost every Pixar film, Soul hints at the film that will come next: Luca. In Soul, A New York City travel agency has a poster for PortoRosso in their window (left in the above image). According to the poster, you can “Fly Luca Airlines” to visit PortoRosso. Luca is coming to theaters next summer.
Did you catch any of these easter eggs? Let us know in the comments.
There is also the Retlaw Enterprises reference on the truck in the intersection where Joe falls down the open manhole.
Broccoli pizza from Inside Out when they are trying (and pooping) pizza
This movie is easily the second worst Pixar movie (ahead of Good Dinosaur). Please just read this article and save yourself the time and effort of finding all of the Easter eggs
As if the overwhelming number of “minus” votes wasn’t enough of a repudiation of this comment, I’m happy to see that the Rotten Tomatoes score for this movie is holding steady at 97%, placing this opinion firmly and unquestionably in the minority.
When joe and 22 are in the hall of everything you may see the axiom from wall e in the top middle in the sky
Yes but what do I do with these eggs?
At 1:08:09 is a Piston Cup sticker on the lightpole connected to the subway
In the beginning I saw max from secret life of pets and also the rat from ratatouille
There’s a travel sticker for Wakanda on his old suitcase!
I wasn’t sure, but the old man in the hospital–the one Joe and 22 lie down on to escape the doctor–was the gerald from Gerald’s Game?
Also P742 (the first part of the address on the snorkel mask in Finding Nemo) is the room number of the hospital room Joe and 22 hide in before leaving the building!
The line, “Somebody call the wambulance” is from Disney’s The Kid with Bruce Willis.
A couple of ones I recognized. In the beginning, when we first meet geri, one of the hillshaped mounds looks like the nightmare before Christmas. Also, one of the characters in the hall of you reminds me of Dr krei from big hero 6
“Also, one of the characters in the hall of you reminds me of Dr krei from big hero 6”
Yes!! I thought I was the only one who noticed. And Moonwind’s moves as the sign slinging dude resembles that of Fred in BH6.
Theres a kid in a red hoodie playing guitar in Joe’s class, referring to Coco
Did anyone think the subway singer’s guitar looked like Miguel’s from Coco?
A113 is also in graffiti at one point. It’s like smack dab in the middle of the shot, so it’s easy to see. Just a hard graffiti “font” so it’s harder to tell.
The hardware store that Joe passes is selling 9” nails. Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails wrote the score. In the barbershop there’s an album A Tribe Called Quest. Questlove voiced Curley.