Here’s some news that has us jumping for joy: the Jumping Fountains are once again running at the Imagination! pavilion in EPCOT.
The large fountains, a feature of the pavilion since its opening in 1982, had been off since the park closed in March 2020 and have remained off through the reopening period. Nearby smaller fountains still ran, but the picturesque spot is now back at full strength.
The fountains seem to invite guests to play and enjoy the creative scenery. They certainly have us imagining a brighter future at EPCOT.
You can also see the jumping fountains in all their glory in our video below:
Keep reading WDWNT for more on what’s new at EPCOT!
Now if they can only bring back the rotating figment topiary, & the jellyfish fountains
And stop the kids from peeing in the fountains
Back in the day, the lines for Captain EO snaked around these fountains. I loved trying to “catch” the columns of water as they jumped around as my family and I waited in line.