Future World is No More, “Neighborhoods” Have Now Replaced 1982 Land at EPCOT

Shannen Ace

Future World is No More, “Neighborhoods” Have Now Replaced 1982 Land at EPCOT

We learned a few years ago that, as part of the major overhaul of EPCOT, Future World would be divided into “neighborhoods”. Disney has now announced that the neighborhoods will officially debut with “The World’s Most Magical Celebration” on October 1, though on the Walt Disney World website, the neighborhoods are actually already listed.


EPCOT attractions list their home neighborhood of World Showcase, World Celebration, World Nature, or World Discovery.

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How do you feel about the new neighborhoods? Let us know in the comments.

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23 thoughts on “Future World is No More, “Neighborhoods” Have Now Replaced 1982 Land at EPCOT”

  1. I think they’re overcomplicating things. I get the need to move away from Future World, but why not just rebrand the whole area as World Discovery and be done with it?

  2. i would think it is a rather big gamble to change the vision of the man that built everything. but hey, they all went to college and all know more than walt anymore.

  3. 😭😭😭 I have no reason to ever return. WDW is now for thrill seekers and kids. It’s no longer the sanctuary it was for me.

  4. Maybe it’s just a Figment of my Imagination, but doesn’t a certain pavilion belong in Discovery or Celebration rather than in Nature?

  5. I think that’s a terrible idea presenting the new neighborhoods the way Epcot is now. People will always have a first impression of World Celebration as just a store a a spot to taste soda.

  6. Trying to portray the future is too costly and error-prone; and besides that, we’re well past the point of pretending that any of us will ever see flying cars, or living on the moon, or some device that patches holes in the ozone layer, or some genetic studies breakthrough that feeds the world’s hungry… The best that this broke-down global society can expect from “the future” now is a marginally-different iPhone, clearer signs of global warming, or maybe personalized advertisements before every YouTube video *IN THREE-DEE!* Whoops. Not a fun subject for a theme park anymore! So let’s pave over it all, sprinkle some mediocre-but-marginally-profitable movie franchise characters on top, and act like those ambitious ideas, and feelings of hope and excitement for “the future,” just fade away.

  7. Just another nail in the Disney coffin.

    I think they are bent on pissing off its longtime fans and are just trying to lure in newer, wealthy fans who could care less about the history of the Disney company.

  8. I’m not a fan of “world” in front of the neighborhoods. It’s world showcase cause they’re showcasing the world’s countries. I’d drop “world” from the other neighborhoods and call them Discovery, Nature, and Celebration (although that last one isn’t great either, change is to “Inspire” and that could fit the two rides that are in it).

  9. How about innovate the Experimental City of Tomorrow as Walt intended? How about stop wasting resources on dumb name changes. How about an advance science expos with rides and other fun things.

  10. Thanks. I hate it. I don’t get it. With all the advances in technology happening with Medical science, Smart Home tech. Idk why they couldn’t continue with this idea.

  11. How about you leave Epcot alone the way it has always been for grown-ups to have fun and stop turning it into kid land the land has the best lasagna I have ever tasted and now you’re going to change it leave Epcot the way it is leave it alone

  12. They would make sense as ‘Celebration World,’ ‘Discovery World,’ and ‘Nature World’… but trying to shoehorn them in with the World Showcase naming scheme does not work. How about just calling Future World ‘EPCOT Center’ like it used to be?

  13. I detest all these changes by the new CEO…he’s destroying the Magic for money..destroying Walt’s dream with every brick they remove. It’s not Disney anymore. It’s turning into just another overly expensive theme park that’s unattainable for most families now.

  14. Sound like more pandering and placating with these made up neighborhoods. Epcot was supposed to be a look at the future.

  15. Walt Disney said that Disneyland/Walt Disney World will never be completed. He didn’t stop to think that future executives would suck at it.

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