REVIEW: The Green Stuff from Red Rose Taverne at Disneyland a Yummy Twist on a Classic Treat


REVIEW: The Green Stuff from Red Rose Taverne at Disneyland a Yummy Twist on a Classic Treat

We went to Red Rose Taverne at Disneyland today to taste “The Green Stuff” for St. Patrick’s Day.

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The Green Stuff – $6.49

Mint White Chocolate Mousse, Chocolate Cake, Mint Chocolate Chips, and Chocolate Cookie Crumbs on a Shortbread Cookie

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Chocolate and mint lovers unite! This is the usual delicious “grey stuff” with a hint of mint and chocolate.

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This is like an Andes Mint on a white plate. It’s great.

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The mousse is light and delicious (as always) and has a note of minty chocolate, which makes it just the right treat for the season.

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We might not get every trip, but if we were craving chocolate or mint, we would order it again!

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It tastes a bit like a mint mocha Frappuccino from Starbucks.

Would you try this minty version of the grey stuff? Let us know in the comments.

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