Three costumed characters from the animated movie "Inside Out" stand in front of an illuminated archway at Disney California Adventure. The characters depicted are Sadness, Anger, and Joy.

‘Inside Out 2’ Anger Meet and Greet Coming to Disney California Adventure

Shannen Ace

Anger from “Inside Out” and “Inside Out 2” will join Pixar Fest 2024 offerings at Disneyland Resort starting on June 14.

Anger Meet and Greet

Three costumed characters from the animated movie "Inside Out" stand in front of an illuminated archway at Disney California Adventure. The characters depicted are Sadness, Anger, and Joy. Don't miss the chance for an unforgettable Anger Meet and Greet experience!

Anger will be at the Pixar Pier Band Shell in Disney California Adventure. Joy and Sadness also sometimes appear at the Pixar Pier Band Shell.

The Anger meet and greet begins on June 14, the same day “Inside Out 2” hits theaters.

Check out our full guide to Pixar Fest 2024.

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