A holiday version of “Story Time with Deadpool” premiered at Disney California Adventure on Friday for the 2024 holiday season. “The Story Time with Deadpool Holiday Special” is in Hollywood Land, with new holiday props on the regular “Story Time with Deadpool” set.
‘The Story Time with Deadpool Holiday Special’
The set is now lined with a green garland adorned with chimichangas in red ribbons. The background was painted green and a family portrait of Deadpools hangs above a fireplace. The mantel is decorated with red baubles and candles.
There are stockings for Vanessa, Blind Al, and Peter. A red Christmas tree features black baubles and a silver star, plus Deadpool, Wolverine, unicorn, and chimichanga ornaments. A present below the tree is yellow with a dark blue ribbon inspired by Wolverine. Deadpool’s same claw-marked leather chair and sticker-covered lamp are to the side.
For the show, Deadpool has donned a Santa outfit consisting of a red velvet coat and hat with white fur trim. He still rides in on his unicorn, which has a few extra festive bells and reindeer antlers.
The official description of the show reads:
Deadpool is filled with holiday cheer and is here to share some new, super-special, seasonal stories. These tales will delight, charm and celebrate the holidays in the way only Deadpool can.
Instead of telling a Disney story, Deadpool tells a Christmas story. We saw him retell “A Christmas Carol” with characters named “Loganeezer Scrooge” and “Wade Marleypool” instead of Ebenezer Scrooge and Jacob Marley. Deadpool used a top hat prop during the story.
As with the regular version of the show, Wolverine eventually arrives.
He takes over the story — although refuses to wear the top hat.
For the holiday special, Disney cut some of the raunchier jokes, keeping the show more PG. But they added many jokes about the holiday special being shoehorned.
There was even a joke about how Story Time with Deadpool was supposed to be a limited-time summer show, “but it made a lot of money so Disney+ told us to keep it around through Christmas.” The set does now have a note reading “Presented to you by Disney+,” following the addition of “Deadpool & Wolverine” to the streaming platform.
Snowtimes may vary but these were the times on the first day:
- 10:30 a.m.
- 11:30 a.m.
- 12:30 p.m.
- 2 p.m.
- 3:40 p.m.
- 4:30 p.m.
Watch our video of “The Story Time with Deadpool Holiday Special”:
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