“Star Wars: Episode IX” Character Leak Reveals Some New And Old Favorites

Joe Hogarty

“Star Wars: Episode IX” Character Leak Reveals Some New And Old Favorites

Joe Hogarty

“Star Wars: Episode IX” Character Leak Reveals Some New And Old Favorites

It is a good day for Star Wars fans! After suffering what seems a pretty long drought of seeing nothing regarding “Star Wars: Episode IX”, things are starting to look promising!

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Some new character images from “Star Wars: Episode IX” leaked online and there are definitely some returning favorites and some never-before-seen characters, too.

Lando Calrissian

Lando is back! Looks like his outfit is a homage to what he wore in “Solo: A Star Wars Story” and he seems to be sporting a cane too. And maybe some Just For Men hair coloring too!


Chewie is back too, and long story short, this guy never gets old and will never lose his crossbow. Think his arms can use a trim.


Rey is sporting a solid white outfit, no more tan or grey, and what appears to be her reconstructed light saber. We love the nod to Padme’s white Geneosis outfit from Attack of the Clones.

Poe Dameron

Poe has some new duds too. Gone is his leather jacket and now he has appears to be wearing something that could be used in maybe a desert setting, with scarf and blaster ready.


Finn seems to have a new outfit too, and it is reminiscent to something Han Solo would wear with the blaster, vest and blue pants with the signature Corellian Bloodstripe.


This character is completely new. Her name is Zorii. If I had to guess, I’d say she is a bounty hunter. Her helmet definitely has a Rocketeer vibe to it, mixed in with some Boba Fett. She carries a blaster and what looks to be a blade at her side.


Here is another new character, Jannah. Not much is known about her except she has been seen in some leaked footage, along with Finn and Poe. I am sure at some point she will become a new member of The Resistance. Looks like her main weapon of choice is a bow and arrow.

What do you think of these new character outfits? In regards to the poster that surfaced earlier this morning, it appears it will be used for marketing material as opposed to an actual film poster, but it definitely lent some much-needed insight to the upcoming movie.

Source: Reddit