BREAKING: Major Power Outage Reported at Disney’s Port Orleans Resort – Riverside

Tom Corless

BREAKING: Major Power Outage Reported at Disney’s Port Orleans Resort – Riverside

Tom Corless

BREAKING: Major Power Outage Reported at Disney’s Port Orleans Resort – Riverside

UPDATE: As of 5:00 PM, guests are reporting that power has returned to the resort and is slowly being restored across the property.

Guests at Disney’s Port Orleans Resort – Riverside are sending in reports of a hotel-wide power outage that is currently taking place.

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The only things running on a backup generator are some emergency lights… and cash registers.

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Guests will refillable resort mugs are being offered bottled beverages since the soda fountains aren’t working.

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Guests peruse a darker refrigerator case.

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Riverside Mill is unable to make any food at this time.

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Guests sit mostly in darkness at River’s Roost.

We’ll keep you updated on this breaking story as more develops.

1 thought on “BREAKING: Major Power Outage Reported at Disney’s Port Orleans Resort – Riverside”

  1. I’ll never understand the obsession with refillable mugs. At least Disney quickly quenched the thirst of these huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

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