“Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah” Music Track Removed from King Arthur Carrousel at Disneyland

Shannen Ace


“Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah” Music Track Removed from King Arthur Carrousel at Disneyland

Shannen Ace


“Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah” Music Track Removed from King Arthur Carrousel at Disneyland

In Disney’s continued effort to be inclusive, “Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah” has been removed from the soundtrack of King Arthur Carrousel at Disneyland.

(C) Matthew Cooper Photography – www.thetimethespace.com

Reopening at the end of this month with the rest of Disneyland Park, King Arthur Carrousel was recently refurbished after closing in January 2020.

“Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah” was featured in Disney’s infamous film, Song of the South. Evidence of the offensive film is being removed from both Walt Disney World and Disneyland Resort, mainly with the re-theming of Splash Mountain to The Princess and the Frog. “Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah” was removed from other music loops at Disneyland Resort last year.

If you’d like to listen to the Carrousel version of the song, you can hear it towards the end of the video found here.

12 thoughts on ““Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah” Music Track Removed from King Arthur Carrousel at Disneyland”

  1. This is more about pandering to the more liberal guest base in California than anything else. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for making changes to make everyone to feel included, but if the music from Song of the South is so offensive, why does it continue to play daily at Walt Disney World? I’ve heard Zip a De Do Dah and Laughing Place in the music loop there as recently as this month.

    Personally, I don’t find either song offensive, but if it’s so controversial that it has to be removed, why is it only happening in one place?

  2. That is my ring tone I don’t ever think this as racists I use it to keep me happy to remind people everyday is a good day.

  3. It’s a shame Disney has lost it’s Corporate backbone. The song is one of the two defining songs of the company. And “Zip” is a great song.

  4. There are offensive songs (“What Makes the Red Man Red”) and offensive characters (Siamese Cats) in Disney cartoons, and “Song of the South” does have its racially insensitive moments. However, it’s more of a stretch to ban “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah” as a song. I did find that it “appears to have been influenced by the chorus of the pre-Civil War folk song “Zip Coon””. That seems like a stretch that it “appears to be influenced”. What music or art isn’t influenced by some antecedent? There are many racist and offensive things that need to be dealt with and learned from, but let’s not (as they say) throw out the baby with the bathwater. Otherwise, we might just shut down the whole Disney organization for its past insensitivity.

  5. Once again, pathetic gratuitous virtue signaling for a company so desperate to chase “wokeness” that they will eviscerate their essence to do so and accomplish nothing more than alienating their highest affinity groups. Additionally, how is removing a song and thus excluding something in furtherance of “inclusion”. No credible argument can be made that the instrumental version of the song featured on the Carousel had any malign intent or genuine effect on a listener.

    You have made your point Disney, you are “woke”, today anyway but the problem with playing to fringe groups is that they are never satisfied. To satisfy them, you must just shut down because you were founded by a white man. That is the ultimate virtue signaling of “wokeness”.

    • YES! You nailed it. Now, put that in a written letter and send it to all members of the Disney Board of Directors and Executive Leadership Team. I’ll buy you the stamps :)

  6. I really feel like this site is a racist site. Anytime I post something that is the opposite of a topic about social justice (or related to offending black people), my comments are not approved.” You should not censor people and just allow for a healthy debate. Shame on you all.

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