Park Starz Yeti Rides Expedition Everest

Nick LoCicero

Park Starz Yeti Rides Expedition Everest

Austin and I had the rare chance to tag along with the great and mysterious Yeti as he visited Animal Kingdom to ride Expedition Everest.

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Yeti arrives at Animal Kingdom on a beautiful summer day.
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It didn’t take him long to find Asia
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Like most tourists, the Yeti could not resist a photo in front the fabled mountain range.
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First he made sure he fit in the ride vehicle. Plenty of arm room. You know how those Yetis like to move their arms!
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Then, with a 90 minute wait, it was wise to grab a Fast Pass. A nimble creature the Yeti is.
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Respect the Yeti you will.
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While waiting, he shopped at the Serka Zong Bazaar. “How dare they make me look cute!”
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“Arrrg! Now I’m a Yeti!” He said it should shrink in the wash.
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Now it was time! The anticipation grew! Let’s get in line, our time has come!
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“Sorry sir, you must be one Yeti foot tall to ride Expedition Everest.” What!!! Grrrr! What does that even mean!? I AM a Yeti!
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A very angry Yeti then spent the rest of the afternoon swatting at guests as they swooped off the mountain side. He didn’t hit much, but it made him feel better.

5 thoughts on “Park Starz Yeti Rides Expedition Everest”

    • Hey nick, i was wondering dont you get nervous taking special or valuble vinyls to the parks for the photoshoot, i know i would

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