The Disney Store’s Response to Whiskers and Tales

We contacted the Disney Store about the production mishaps guests were experiencing with the recently released Whiskers and Tales series. Here is their response: “Quality of our products is of the utmost importance, so we apologize to any of your readers who might have found issues with their Whiskers and Tales Vinylmation Series. For any guest who … Read more

Episode 106 Stitch

Ep. 106 Stitch Two big topics broke in the past week… The release of Whiskers and Tales and the possible decrease in Cast Member trading at the WDW parks. We tackle both these topics and read your comments. We also have the latest news and up to date release and events calendar. Listen in Popup Player … Read more

Episode 105 Pirates of the Caribbean Helmsman

Ep. 105 Pirates of the Caribbean Helmsman This week we record at the Animal Kingdom Lodge with special guest Scuba Owl. He is an avid listener and Vinylmation writer. We talk about all things vinyl and the future of the hobby. In a twist, Scuba Owl interviews us to give you the chance to learn more … Read more

New Friends, Same Tale?

When the sequel to Furry Friends was announced in December, the Vinylmation community rejoiced. After all, Furry Friends was a very popular set with wonderful character selection and a unique design element. It was however plagued with production issues that led to out roar and recalls. Surely, the sequel would be scrutinized by Disney, making sure the … Read more

Episode 104 Mary Poppins Penguin

Ep. 104 Mary Poppins Penguin This week we talk about Nick’s WDW Marathon experience and the Run Disney Vinylmation with Mini Medal. We also discus some rumored upcoming release dates and sets, vinyl figure sales and Myths and Legends. Listen in Popup Player Download podcast