Disney Store Celebrates 25 Years With…. A Vinylmation

Nick LoCicero

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Disney Store Celebrates 25 Years With…. A Vinylmation

Update: 8/11/11 Disney changed the blog to now say that all 2500 will be sold at the event. I had thought that 500 seemed a little too low! (Thanks Michael!)

The Disney Store will have a big set up at D23 this August and is also celebrating 25 years. In addition to a ton of other merchandise, they will be selling a special 3″ Vinylmation and pin set. But does it live up to its other D23 releases? Check it out.

Release Date: August 19 at D23 Expo
LE: 2500 (All 2500 now sold at Expo)
Retail: $26.95
Artist: Jim Valeri

DisneyStore+25th+Vinylmation head
Copyright Disney

This figure doesn’t impress me much. It is all silver with an artist Mickey face drawn on the head. The pattern looks cool, but the lack of color or contrast turns me off.

DisneyStore+25th+Vinylmation body
Copyright Disney

As you can see, the body is just an ad for the Disney Store. I’ll gobble up every napkin or coffee stir that says WDW 40th on it, but the 25th of the Disney Store doesn’t do it for me. Its a nice looking logo, but again, the overall figure is blah.

DisneyStore+25th+Vinylmation pin
Copyright Disney

But did I tell you it comes with a pin? For the prices of a 2 figure combo pack you can get a Disney Store 25th Vinylmation and Pin. At not even a low LE, therefore not much trade value, I think this a pass for this D23 Expo guest. How about you?

Update: 8/9/11 (now invalid as of 8/11/11)

Only 500 Disney Store 25th Vinyl/Pin sets at D23; 2000 online. Our new contributor Disney North found this update for us:

@countdowntoD23 tweeted today:
There will be 500 of the @DisneyStore 25th Vinylmation to purchase at #D23Expo. 2,000 more to be sold online to D23 members only

@DisneyStore confirmed
@disneynorth Yes, Disneystore.com will release the remaining 2,000 25th anniversary vinylmation. They will be sold to D23 members only.

10 thoughts on “Disney Store Celebrates 25 Years With…. A Vinylmation”

  1. I want one of these SO bad! If anyone is going on the 19th and is able to pick one up please message me on my facebook (linked by my name)… This is something I do want :) DS is my home away from home! lol

  2. As a former Disney Store Cast Member, I desperately want this. I think it looks pretty good.

    Is it only being sold at the Expo?

  3. Hahaha, apparently I was wrong. This figure will have tremendous trade value. Yes, only at the EXPO.

    • Nick?MC,
      You are right that you would have trouble trading it….at least to me. I agree it is plain, overpriced (even w/pin) and it is on the new mold.

  4. FYI, Disney Store twitter folks confirmed that 2000 will be made available online to D23 members.

  5. But their math is off, it’s the 24th anniversary of Disneystores. I just celebrated my 25th birthday and I was born nearly a year before Disneystore started LOL! I’m guessing the want to push it out 8 months early as they’ll probably stick to an Expo every other year, I suppose that makes more sense than releasing it a year late in 2013 ;).

    Either way I still only care for the pin, you can keep the weird silver bloated mickey. I much prefer the blue D23 one.

  6. Disney just posted on their Vinylmation blog that “Good news! Due to popular demand, all 2,500 figures will be released at the Expo!”

    This sucks. I was so hoping to get one and now the poachers will get them and post them on eBay. WTF!

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