9″ Urban 8 coming December 16th.. Er January 6th

Nick LoCicero

9″ Urban 8 coming December 16th.. Er January 6th

Update: 12/12/11 The Vinylmation.com blog updated their blog saying that all four of these pieces will be delayed. They will now all come out on January 6th, 2012. That’s just more time to save up your Christmas money and Disney gift cards to pick them up!

Today Evilos tweeted a flyer of four 9″ Urban 8 vinylmation that says they will be out on December 16th. (It’s interesting to note that both the Boxer and the Sabertooth Tiger were priced at $39.95 at Florida Project.) Check out each figure…

Sabertooth Tiger
by: Maria Clapsis
LE: 800

We saw a reference to this at Florida Project in September, but there was no figure on display. I like this one. Great work with the teeth.

50’s Girl?
by: Adrianne Draude
LE: 1000

Anyone know if this is supposed to be someone specific? There looks like there is a signature on her pants. Is that a Pluto skirt?

Fish Bites?
by: Monty Maldovan
LE: 800

Amazing! Great use of the space and canvas. If I bought 9″s, I’d get this one.

by: Casey Jones
LE: 800

We saw this at Florida Project and it looked amazing. Best quality yet. And the gloves are removable. A must buy!

1 thought on “9″ Urban 8 coming December 16th.. Er January 6th”

  1. I don’t know why, but I love the fish vinyl. Not a big fan of the sabertooth. I thought it had a shirt collar for a minute. The teeth should be accessories/add ons similar to Sam the Eagle’s tail.

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