California’s Trade Show 2/17/12

Nick LoCicero

California’s Trade Show 2/17/12

Zoe stopped by the trade show tonight at Disneyland. Big crowd. Lots of new pins being shown, but no new vinylmation.

Also there was a whole table by Evilos. Check it out.

Love those light up Trons!

Did anyone go and get any good trades? Let us know!

6 thoughts on “California’s Trade Show 2/17/12”

    • Thank your Brad, Im lucky in that most of my main fans/friends are local and are nice enough to bring the pieces from their own collectors to display at these events. Its a kind of a family reunion of my work, then they all go their separate ways to meet again some other time. : )

  1. I love the alice in wonderland vinyl with the cheshire cat, anyone know how I can go about possibly purchasing it from evilos? Thanks!

    • Danielle, Thank you for the comment. That piece was sold at D23 (2011) and was picked up by its owner later last night. Most all of these pieces are privately owned and went home to their respective owners last night. : )

  2. Zoe, Thanks for showing some love. I must of been enjoying a beer with a friend when you of stopped by. The event was amazing and shows how much vinylmation brings people together.

  3. Of course! Yeah I looked for you but couldn’t find you! Next time! The vinylmation looked awesome! Can’t wait to see what’s next! :)

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