Monorail: Cars D-Street Display

Nick LoCicero

Monorail: Cars D-Street Display

Here is a round of HQ pictures from the Monorail: Cars display at D-Street Orlando. A couple comments before the pictures… The seem to be printed with a high quality application. The Monorail shape actually has some detail to it: Ridging in the back, a well shaped nose (see straight on shots), a curvature to the base tucking into the sides and of course the cut out underneath for where the track would be. They are a nice size. I wish more of Mater’s teethe where shown (the kind of wrap under the nose). Again, even after seeing in person, my stance is I love the idea of trying new molds, and this mold in particular is fantastic, I just am not into a complete 12 set of all Cars characters.

20 thoughts on “Monorail: Cars D-Street Display”

  1. Just look like flatter Thomas the tank engine toys that I had as a kid. just need a wooden track.

  2. These look like nothing more than all the cars I see sold at the Disney store- big deal they are on a monorail shape! I have never posted a complaint regarding new mold, park starz, etc. But to call these toy trains vinylmations to me is a joke. Vinylmations are and always will be Mickey Mouse. Stop with all the gimmicks- to me it cheapens the name.

  3. Not crazy about these titled as Vinylmation…I don’t like the idea of every vinyl toy that Disney makes being put under the Vinylmation label. I love the concept and execution, but these just aren’t Vinylmation…this is Park Starrz all over again.

  4. First off all of you who are saying these aren’t vinylmation need to get over yourselves. The artists have been saying since before park starz even came out that vinylmation is way more than mickey mold so stop being so closed minded. When it all comes down to it if you don’t like them don’t buy them but stop complaining. We get it. Park starz had been in the design stages quite a while before they actually came out. So I believe it was disney’s intention from the start to make things like this. I understand where everyone is coming from with this all just being a marketing ploy for cars land. However if we all stop being so negative I believe some really cool designs will come on this mold down the road. Like the monorail pin sets from a few years ago that were quite popular or maybe something cool like a tronorail vinylmation or the celebration one with the balloons on it. I personally wouldn’t mind if only park and urban were mickey mold and all other sets were different molds as park starz and these are my favorite vinylmation yet so far. Thank you to all the artists for their creativity and having the guts to make things new and fresh instead of the same old bland mickey mold all the time.

    • Everyone is entitled to their own opinions – just seems like most people don’t like the Monorail shape – that’s not negative or closed minded – it is an opinion shared by many – thats all!

      Personally I think most of the artistic quality of vinylmation is how all the designs are put on one shape – (ie Mickey) but manage to look different – thats why I collect them.

      To me, Park Starz and the Monorails are no different from other souvenirs that Disney sells – they are not in the same league as Mickey collectible vinylmations imo.

  5. Austin Reed, these types of feedback are exactly what companies need to see acceptance and fail rate. Acceptance rate determines whether or not they should proceed in a certain direction and or how to improve something to raise the acceptance rate to increase revenue.

    In the end your statement takes on a tone of ignorance. Next time, stating that you like the product and a cheers to the artist is more than enough.

  6. Yes I agree with you that people are entitled to their opinion but that’s not the item in question here. It isn’t debatable whether they are vinylmation or not because when it all comes down to it the people don’t decide that they are or aren’t vinylmation the artists do and disney does. So people are arguing about something that at the of the day is never gonna change because it doesn’t come down to what you or I think it comes down to sales and if they sell disney is gonna keep manufacturing them until they don’t. However it is a fact that they are vinylmation because disney and the artist say that they are vinylmation.

    • i wish this is on facebook so i could like this. I don’t care for these monorails personally, but STOP SAYING IT’S NOT VINYLMATION!!! It’s by the same artists, and that’s good enough to call it vinylmation. all this complaining reminds me of the old people at my church growing up that didn’t like drums cause it wasn’t how they used to do it.

      • I’m not a big fan of these either, but they’re still Vinylmation. Just because I don’t like it doesn’t change that fact. I thought Animation 2 was a horrible series, but it was still Vinylmation.

        Unless you’re OCD and must collect every single series that says “Vinylmation” on the box, then who cares what they’re called?

        • exactly. i’m under-impressed, and not what i like… so i won’t buy it. but why complain about the NAME?

  7. Carol you are right! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I also feel the same way as many others. These are just BLAH!

  8. I hated these at first, but seeing the whole set together makes them look a little better. They definitely look better than the first drawing. That being said I probably won’t get any.
    I fell in love with Park Starz when I first saw them, but that’s about all the variation from the Mickey mold I think they should do.

  9. WHY DISNEY???? These are horrible!!! What were thinking. This is the worst set yet!!! Instead of making money frankly they will be loosing money!!!!! They look nothing like a monrail but frankly like a big old brick with a nose!!! I am sorry but this is the facts and nothing but the facts!!!!

  10. Okay, call them vinylmation if you like but these are boring and uninspired. I started collecting vinylmation for all the cool and out of the box designs- these monorail “vinylmations” are as someone summed up so eloquently earlier-BLAH!

  11. ok…so the artists ‘officially’ say that VM is a brand and not a mold. the thing is, that has nothing to do with MY opinion…and for the first 2-3 years of VMs existence, that’s NOT what the artists were saying – at least not publically (that i know of, anyway). VM was originally billed as artistic design applied to the Mickey mold. it wasn’t until the months leading up to Park Starz when that all really changed (unless you want to count the Duffy mold discussion). so TO ME, VM will always be the Mickey mold. it’s why i got into collecting, and why i continue to enjoy it today. and to those who say “When it all comes down to it if you don’t like them don’t buy them but stop complaining.”, i would say if you DO like it, go ahead and buy them, but please don’t try to stifle the opinions of those who don’t by berating them…

    • I think that’s totally reasonable. I believe that complaints definitely have their place in the online VM community. I think if the artists put out something that people don’t like, they are more than welcome to share their opinions. I’ve certainly had strong opinions on stuff I don’t like on this site. I also think that these are stupid looking, but they are Vinylmation.

      There’s a difference between saying “I don’t like these and I only collect the Mickey mold” and outright denying that these are Vinylmation. That’s like still believing that the Earth is flat and every time a picture is posted of the round Earth, saying, “That’s not the Earth!”

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