Remembering a Legend: Robert Sherman (1925-2012)

David Smith

Remembering a Legend: Robert Sherman (1925-2012)

Today, this small, small world has gotten just a little bit smaller as we say goodbye and fondly remember Robert Sherman.

Few things make such an impression on us as music. It fills our heads and refuses to leave our hearts. Weeks after we come back from a Disney vacation, we find ourselves still whistling and humming “It’s a Small World”.  Along with his brother, Richard, Robert Sherman helped to create a gift of music that we will never be able to repay. Our debt includes classic attraction theme songs such as “The Enchanted Tiki Room”, “There’s a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow”, and “One Little Spark”. Through Robert’s poetry and music, we find a man with a passion for his art and with a true desire to make the world a happier place.

The Sherman Brothers’ music also reaches our hearts through such classic films as the Jungle Book, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and Mary Poppins for which they received academy awards. In the words of Robert’s son Jeffrey, “Dad once told me he wished he could stand at the end of the “It’s a Small World” ride so he could shake everyone’s hand as they exited. World peace, charity, love and family were his prayer for the world.”

Robert Sherman may have left this world but he will always live on in our minds and in our hearts. All I can say is bravo and thank you.

– By Josh Hall of WDWNT: The Magazine

1 thought on “Remembering a Legend: Robert Sherman (1925-2012)”

  1. With the passing of one of the Sherman brothers brought a tear to my eyes because I grew up singing some of their famous songs. To this day I still know all the words to "It's A Small World" and I'm over 40! I still sing it while riding the ride several times a year. I always get smiles from kids and adults every time.

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