Episode 066 Palm Trees

Nick LoCicero

Episode 066 Palm Trees

Ep. 066 Palm Trees

In Zoe and Annmarie’s first episode as the new hosts of Destination Vinylmation, they talk about the release of the new Monorails series and Big Bad Wolf set. They also have a rundown of upcoming events and release dates as well as read your comments and questions in the mystery mail bag. The Combo Contest 3 results are also revealed.

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13 thoughts on “Episode 066 Palm Trees”

  1. I thought Annemarie and Zoe did a great job, but I’m going to be really sad if there’s no more Nick and MC ever.

    I’m going to feel really stupid if there’s been an announcement somewhere that this was an April Fools joke and I missed it…

  2. I think its an April fools joke. There’s not enough material to do a continuous podcast on Lego mini figures.

  3. Really miss Nick n MC!!!!
    They are more MATURE . . . have better KNOWLEDGE . . . and are more ENTERTAINING with point/counterpoint. If this is the way it’s going, probably won’t listen to this podcast any more.
    Sorry, bad move!

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