Wonderground Gallery Opens Today

Nick LoCicero

Wonderground Gallery Opens Today

Zoe is at the Grand Opening of the Wonderground Gallery and is sending in pictures throughout the day…

Update 12:30pm PST

“A Bug’s Life” Vinylmation 95
Artist: Calef Brown

“Boo Peep”
Artist: Miss Mindy

“Midway” Vinylmation 95
Artist: Miss Mindy
Artist: Miss Mindy

Today, June 9, is the opening of the Wonderground Gallery at Downtown Disney California. It is an art gallery full of amazing paintings and various collectibles and will be the showcase for the new Vinylmation 95.

Noah and a few other artists will be the first to present their customs to the public for purchase, then a Create Your Own will go on sale on June 15 at D-Streets.

Late yesterday, our own Zoe took a peak inside the store.

You can see (besides Zoe’s reflection) Cast Members still setting up inside.

If you would like to get a custom Vinylmation 95 at the Wondergallery, Disney has posted the following information:
“Guests may line up for the Grand Opening of the WonderGround Gallery on June 9, 2012 behind the Rainforest Cafe. In addition, beginning at 7am, wristbands will be distributed for the Vinylmation™ 95 releases in conjunction with the WonderGround Gallery Grand Opening.  We ask that you please not line up prior to 6am.  Wristbands are limited.  Limits will apply.  Merchandise not guaranteed.  All information subject to change without notice.”

In addition to the Lightning mold customs, the Disney Vinylmation Blog gave us all a peak at a Mickey mold custom designed by Miss Mindy that will be available.

If you are just interested to go browse, or meet the artists, here is a schedule of today’s events:

The following artists will take part in a special appearance and signing on
Saturday, June 9, 2012 at WonderGround Gallery in the Downtown Disney District.

11 am – 1pm
Brigette Barrager, J. Scott Campbell, Martin Hsu, Amy Mebberson, Miss Mindy,
Noah, Genevieve Santos and Lyla Warren

3 pm – 5pm
Stacey Aoyama, Sean Chao, Sean D’Anconia, Danny Handke, Jerrod Maruyama, Michelle Romo,
Jared Andrew Schorr and Frank Svengsouk

If you attend, please send pictures… especially if you purchase one of the Vinylmation 95 customs!

3 thoughts on “Wonderground Gallery Opens Today”

  1. I am so excited to hear more info from anyone who attends the gallery opening today. For anyone who goes, can you describe the art and what else they’re selling there, besides the vinyls of course? I won’t be able to see the gallery in person until August, but I can’t wait!!!

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