Bubble Gum Goofy?

Nick LoCicero

Bubble Gum Goofy?

This picture of a Goofy Vinylmation, apparently covered in a burst gum bubble, is on display at D-Street Anaheim. Does anyone know what it could be?

5 thoughts on “Bubble Gum Goofy?”

  1. Or maybe something to do with Goofy’s Candy Company? Would love to see a slightly better quality photo.

  2. I think this is from a scene from the old Disney cartoons I have a faint memory if watching goofy blow a,give bubble and it poping all over his face

    • That would be fun. They call the black and white Classic Collection “a follow up to Have a Laugh.” But I’m with you, more vinyls based on specific shorts would be great.

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