Stop by the Funko booth at Comic Con today for a FREE Wreck It Ralph Vinylmation! There are only 500 of them.
Photo from Vinylmation Exchange Facebook page. When I first saw Disney Store’s tweet about this, I was extremely excited. A bit less so after seeing it is only good old Theme Park Favorite Ringer Tee guy with a logo tee. How about your impressions?
Update: 7/13/12 Several of these have popped up on eBay and have sold from between $65-$80! Crazy!!!!!!
Would you pay that much for a FREE vinyl?
Do we know what the green ringer tee was yesterday? There’s also news of a gray ringer tee as well.
I’m sure many collectors are feeling hurt at by all this SDCC business. Agreed promoting Vinylmation at SDCC is great and yeah sure have one or two exclusives and maybe some early releases, but it seems there are tons of ‘exclusives’ and what has been made to public wasn’t enough especially the case for Carl & Ellie. If Vinylmation at SDCC had been advertised earlier (and maybe shown some of the items that would have been on sale) before tickets went on sale and sold out, I’d feel alot less annoyed. I know a few people, if they had known of the exclusives would have gone to SDCC.
At this point it seems like there are more vinyls for SDCC then there are for Mickey’s Circus. :(
But most of those are available online. Only the ringer tee variants and the so tasty figures are really only available to those at the con. That’s actually not much compared to what other toy companies are offering exclusively at the con.
There’s also a better variety of platforms at Comic Con. There’s two 3″ combo sets (with “Up” being one of the most desirable ever), a Park Starz variant, a 3″ & Junior set, and a Popcorns variant. You would think a big Vinylmation only event like Mickey’s Circus would also include a catalog of figures featuring a variety of canvases. I’m sure there will be previews of such things, but it would have been nice to have some available as exclusive purchases. I guess Comic Con is a bigger event with more exposure, so they pulled out all the stops. Barring the online store’s problems, the designs released this week were some of the best the hobby has seen in my opinion.
Don’t be so hard on yourself about not attending. Even if you knew about these ahead of time, it still wouldn’t have been worth it. To be honest, as someone who’s been, tickets sell out immediately, other then the 4 day pass, and finding a near by hotel is impossible. Hotels actually book a year or two in advance. And unless you either go cause you have interest in 85%-95% of what’s being show cased (movies, comics, toys games) or have a large enough group of friends to hit up all the booths at once in order to get enough exclusives to sell to make it worth the headache of lines, crowds and yes, body order, then its not worth it for one or two Vinylmation exclusives. However, I will say, the people watching is at it’s finest. I recommend people to watch the channel G4, they have a four hour special each year from SDCC. You’ll get a good taste.
I wouldn’t have been able to go anyway, £1500 for a return flight for SDCC seems a bit far fetched :lol:
Prices for everything in San Diego this week are hiked. And people pay it.
Recouping money for fireworks next year :)