Episode 085 Blackout

Nick LoCicero

Episode 085 Blackout

Ep. 085 Blackout

This week we of course talk about the price hike for Star Wars 2. We also discuss the new series, I Love Mickey and run down the silent auction catalog for Mickey’s Circus. Park 10 is reviewed. The Mystery Mail Bag is also full of great questions and comments. And if you listen to the end, you might learn some physics! 

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9 thoughts on “Episode 085 Blackout”

      • It now works. Just wasn’t this morning and I kept refreshing to see if it was a glitch in the loading, but I could only get up to 6 minutes :lol:

  1. The $15 star wars tag is a huge knock… I had planned on getting these while in WDW when i’m on holiday… i’m going to get a case (my first case)…split that with another collector… can’t do blind boxing at $15…too much to get something i’ve already got, its 50% more than a normal $10 vinyl, i can’t see people putting them into trade boxes at these prices, especially to get a cheap vinyl in return..

  2. Other CYO vinyl companies have 18″ blank vinyls, like Kidrobot. I am hoping that maybe the sculpted 18″ Mickey means Disney will follow suit.

  3. Just up to update about the UK situation…

    most stores in the UK that sell vinylmation have such a dreadful selection. We have only had Animation 2, Furry Friends and Under the Big Top’s released as blind boxes in store since xmas (the 25th were online online)… and they usually only get a few cases of each. vinylmation will really have to be promoted properly to get trading into the UK, it would be great to just have a 3 clear box in stores, but i doubt they will do anything unless they start promoting vinylmation in a much better way

    • I’m kind of glad they didn’t start selling Robots 2 or CATB here, which are the only BB series we’ve not received this year. Disappointed that the 25th Anniversary were online only, as I had wanted a case ( which I then ordered expensively from Ds.com), plus this would have increased the sales of Sorcerer Mickey. Would have also thought that with World Wish day, the Make a Wish Jiminy Cricket would available ‘worldwide’. Other than I don’t think we’ve done too badly over here. And I’m sure it will improve as more and more people become addicited to Vinylmation. :lol:

      • I forgot about Villains 3. Which was a bigger dissapointment. I thought they’d release it later here to coincide with the halloween period, but so far it doesn’t look that way. I wonder if Villains 2 didn’t sell as well as they hoped to, although it sold out in a resonable length of time. :(

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