Park 11 Chaser!!! Spoiler Alert

Nick LoCicero

Park 11 Chaser!!! Spoiler Alert

Picture is from @SOTMKBlog. It is the former Orange Stinger attraction at DCA.

Great article on about the Orange Stinger’s history and then eventual transition into the Silly Symphony Swings.

7 thoughts on “Park 11 Chaser!!! Spoiler Alert”

  1. I can’t think of anything to say other than “meh”. It’s ok. Not amazing, not terrible, not exciting or special in the least though.

  2. I love this! I loved this ride (although its current version is fantastic) and I love that the chaser is a throwback. Also OC REPRESENT! ;)

  3. Donn, Iike the idea of a tower of terror. There already has been several tower of terror designs. Plus there was just one in park 10.

    • And Park 9, and coming up in Park Starz 2, not to mention it being featured on the Beuna Vista Street figures. We’ve definitely had an adequate amount of ToT figures this year.

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