Spotlight On: Custom Artist Project Sidekickz Artist Rust This World

Nick LoCicero

Spotlight On: Custom Artist Project Sidekickz Artist Rust This World

The Custom Artist Project is a group of 11 of the best custom Vinylmation artists in the world who have come together to make their own blind box series. Series 1 is called “Sidekickz” and is a mix of different Disney sidekicks from films or TV. Today, October 6th, is the release date for this exciting series. The link to the series webpage is at the bottom of this page. At Noon EST, there will be a live link posted on that page that brings you to the online store. Each day leading up to the release, we have spotlighted a different artist from the series. Today we spotlight the man who put this project together, custom artist Rust This World. He created three figures for this series, Eeyore, and Eeyore variant and the Chaser… A weasel from Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

Santa Fe, NM


What Disney Sidekick did you choose? 
Eeyore and the weasel from Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

Why did you choose the Eeyore sidekick? 
Eeyore’s a fun character, always moping around and being a great contrast to the other characters of the 100 Acre Wood. There are some days that I feel like Eeyore. I had an interesting design that I wanted to try where his snout extends down onto the body and he’s standing on all fours.

Favorite Disney Movie? 

Favorite Disney Theme Park Attraction? 
Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye.

Favorite aspect of working on the Mickey shaped canvas? 
Because it’s Mickey. I’ve customized all kinds of urban vinyl over the years, but Mickey’s fun because I have a Disney connection and I can share my work with other Disney fans and we can share an appreciation and connection to the shape or subject matter. I also love the ears, there’s so much creative stuff you can do with the ears.

More info on the Custom Artist Project:


How to purchase: The price of one blind box is $65, including shipping within the US. We’re looking into international shipping right now, but it will probably be another $5-10 if it works out.Paypal is going to be the accepted payment. It is limited to one household per blind box.

What you get: You will get one blind box (yes, I’m actually making boxes) with one of 24 different figures. Some figures come with accessories. You will also get 11 different cards, 1 from each artist.

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