No More Ketchup! Whispering Canyon Cafe at Disney’s Wilderness Lodge No Longer Partaking In Shenanigans


No More Ketchup! Whispering Canyon Cafe at Disney’s Wilderness Lodge No Longer Partaking In Shenanigans

Whisperings of the Whispering Canyon Cafe stopping their shenanigans have been floating around social media the last two days, but it was all conjecture until the official WDWToday account replied to someone’s inquiry:

IMG 2200

If you’re not familiar with the shenanigans, Cast Members are “wise-crackin'” wait staff, who make sure that guests get what’s comin’ to them when they ask for ketchup or refills. If you ask for ketchup, your server will yell “ketchup!” to all the other servers, and so if any of them have a ketchup bottle, they all bring it to your table at once and you’ll end up with multiple bottles. It’s the same with refills. If you ask for a refill, they’ll bring you more than one, maybe even more than 2 or 3, to keep you satisfied. At some point during your meal, kids run around the restaurant on wooden stick horses.

We don’t know if all of the shenanigans are stopping or just a few favorites, but judging by everything we’ve seen floating around, it seems like the Whispering Canyon Cafe you used to know is no more.

We do know that this is a recent change, because it was just in March that the Walt Disney World Today Twitter account tweeted to meet them at Whispering Canyon Cafe for lunch and don’t forget to grab the ketchup. All these changes are said to be because of complaints made.

166 thoughts on “No More Ketchup! Whispering Canyon Cafe at Disney’s Wilderness Lodge No Longer Partaking In Shenanigans”

  1. That was the only true reason to eat at this restaurant. My family and I come from Pittsburgh PA and eat here almost every trip because it was always a fun place to eat. Otherwise it is truly just another over priced restaurant for no reason. Shame on Disney and people complaining. Yet another good thing ruined by whiney people.

    • All I can say about this is GREAT!!!

      I remember my first visit to WC (just after the lunch rush while we waited for our room to become available and the restaurant was maybe half full) in which I asked for ketchup and of course a dozen bottles came to the table. I must admit I didn’t get the humor but still thought well of the concept, especially the wooden stick horse parade for the kids. But when someone from another table asked for ketchup apparently it was my job all of a sudden to stop talking to my family (who just arrived and were busy planning our first day), drop my silverware and i-phone (opened to My Disney Experience app of course), and deliver ketchup to the table that was requesting it. No one briefed us at reception that this was going to be a requested duty of it’s patrons. Well anyways, when I get to the table which had 4 able body adults (2 men, 2 women, no kids) ranging in age from 25-45 I was met with an extremely rude attitude from one of the women who said “about time” as she snapped it out of my hand… I was taken aback a little by her comment and didn’t think she was serious at first… I tried to feel them out by making a little chuckle and a smile and said, “we just got here and are a little tired from our flight, and it’s our first time here at WC”… which was met with a “jeez” and a shaking of the head by the same woman while the others just stared with a look of angry condemnation and indignation… I just walked away not wanting to start my vacation by telling someone to @#%&*@# and didn’t mention it to my family till later that day… We all agreed we wouldn’t eat there again, if for no other reason than that experience, but we also didn’t think much of the food, or all the yelling anyways… I remember thinking how horrible it would be to have a room in ear shot of that place… I also thought about elderly people having to double as waiters for other ungrateful people like the ones I had to deal with, all while paying huge amounts of money to stay there… I’m glad to see this ill advised idea go, and must say I’m not surprised… at all!

      • everyone thank Paul for ruining it for everyone. he is so bitter he even had to post his comment twice to make sure everyone knows he is a troll

      • I would have found another bottle of ketchup and brought that one to the table and said the original line, as if it was my first time arriving at the table. I then would have done it again with another bottle. And again with another bottle.
        It would have either lightened their mood a bit or ticked them off even more. Either way: mission accomplished.

        • Oh what a Shame! They are plenty of other choices for those with “No Sense of Humor” ! What about all of us who Love the Shennanagens?? Don’t we have a “say” !!

      • Sorry you had a bad experience and that people were rude, but are you really wanting to deny everyone else the “fun” because of your bad 1st experience? Seems a bit extreme!

      • Can I complain to get it back??? I see no point in going out of my way to eat there without the fun. If your that much of a stick in the mud maybe Disney isn’t the place to vacation. Stop ruining it for others.

      • Its people like you….. Next time take yourself to universal where the “other” people like you go.

        • You people crack me up…

          First of all, this site often doesn’t post my comments for some reason…

          It gives me the: “Your comment is awaiting moderation”… And I never see my post again after I refresh… have no idea why? So now I make a point to copy my posts before I hit post allowing me to post it again, and sometimes it comes up twice and sometimes not at all…

          Secondly morons (the people who are blaming me), I never complained about the incident to a CM, another guest, or even on a chat board (till today)… What it does show, is the lack of intelligence you are all displaying when you can’t see that experiences like mine were not isolated incidences and were occurring enough times to cause too many innocent GUESTS to have to endure verbal abuse from a patron as if they were a CM/waiter… It took everything I had to not call her and her group a bunch of #@%$^&*%%&$##%%#^%&&%$%^$^$ (use your imagination)… I’m sure many people would not have controlled their temper as well as I did… If it wasn’t for my family being close by and the fact we just got there, that bitch would have been wearing that f***ing ketchup!

          People at restaurants get angry when they have to wait for anything! For Disney to not see that a problem like that could arise then they are as clueless as you all… And given the era of hate and anger that we live in today I’m surprised it lasted this long… It was a bad idea, and was ended not because of people like me, but because of that rude party of four adults who acted like spoiled brats!

          • Speaking of spoiled brat ….

            It’s all about ME ME ME. I’m more important, so let’s ruin it for everyone.

          • So for 15 years it was a bad idea and you had to have a reservation or you wouldn’t get in. Kids laughing and adults laughing was a bad idea. And you want credit for controlling your temper which is something you are supposed to do? You are exactly why we can’t have nice things. Take credit for that. So sad the change has occurred.

      • First off your asked when entering if you want to partake they mark your table if you don’t. So you should of asked not to be apart of the festivities. Second being on your cell phone is rude while at the table. next your going to ruin the concept of going to your cousins house at 50 prime time Diner. are you going to get upset when the waiter tells you to remove your elbows from the table. Everything is centered around being a theme park and many places have a gimmick that makes it unique.

        • They didn’t tell us there were “duties” in the first place and they didn’t ask if we “want to partake”, and even if they had mentioned either of those things we would have said NO PROBLEM since we had kids with us… You all are missing the point (some of you because you’re stupid)… it was the people that received the ketchup that acted like “an old man trying to send soup back at a deli” that was the “UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCE” of this practice… Disney can’t be putting high paying guest in positions to get yelled at by other guest… If you can tell people to act polite to the person that brings you the ketchup and not make them want to knock their teeth in, then there wouldn’t be a problem… but you know you can’t control people’s behavior which is what happened to me and I’m sure has happened to others and is probably why Disney killed this practice. For all I know the people who escaped my temper that day are one of the ones on here upset about this change… which I would find ironically funny!

          • Why didn’t your kids deliver the ketchup. That has been the highlight of my daughter’s trips since she was 4. She only asks to return to WC each year. When I told her there would be no more ketchup delivery and antics she cried and then told me “well there’s no reason to go in Nov now.”

          • You must have miss the sign in the table… turn up if you do not want to play? Maybe if you hadn’t been on your cell phone you may have seen it.

        • LOL @ RIc… Rude? Really? Like a fellow customers treating the “ketchup bearer” like cr@ap? Rude like that? And FYI, the entire vacation revolves around that smart phone LOL!!! If someone isn’t taking movies, pictures, or sending them to a friend back home they are reviewing their fast passes and reservations (and availabilities)… Look, you guys believe what you want and it’s too bad a Disney tradition that you all liked came to an end, but in my case you’re all wrong. DISNEY SHOULD NEVER PUT A CUSTOMER IN A POSITION TO HAVE TO TAKE VERBAL ABUSE FROM ANOTHER CUSTOMER AS IF THEY WERE A CM… PERIOD!

      • Anyone who’s been to either Whispering Canyon or the Wilderness Lodge knows that the restaurant is open to the lobby; you can easily hear people yodeling and laughing and yelling “KETCHUP!” while approaching or walking by the restaurant. Claiming that you had no idea that the place was raucous and silly simply makes you look like a fool, Paul. It’s whiny, cranky, ugly tourists like yourself that ruin the Disney experience for everyone else.

        • Jay

          Reading comprehension a problem for you?

          “just after the lunch rush while we waited for our room to become available and the restaurant was maybe half full” (that also means half empty or less~I broke it down for you Jay)

          And besides, AS I HAVE SAID, JAY, we had kids with us, whether we knew of the restaurants practices or not is beside the point, we would have wanted to partake in the “fun” which we did: “I still thought well of the concept, especially the wooden stick horse parade for the kids”… the problem began and ended with the 4 extremely rude adults that could have caused a few tables to be flipped over… Jay, your reading comprehension problem is also cause for concern.

          • Congratulations, Paul! In looking over the thread, you’ve:
            – Copied-and-pasted your comments to repeat them over and over again
            – Changed your story repeatedly, trying to make yourself the victim
            – Lied repeatedly, which is just sad
            – Lashed out at multiple people here

            In other words, you’re a troll, and I really don’t think that kind of behavior should be allowed or welcomed on a Disney news site. Try to have some fun and get out in the sunshine.

      • I’m glad I read your story Paul. I was considering not going there for years because I didn’t think I would like the experience from what people told be about it. But I’m so glad I know for sure now that I don’t want to waste my time and money.

        • Glad to have been of help Karen!

          Yeah basically that angry party I had to deal with acted very similarly to many of the people on this thread… :(

      • What is wrong with you??? It is all in fun and if you can’t take it then just move on with your life… Why would you even mention it to the other people in your party?

      • Paul C — I’m a bit mystified why all these other readers feel compelled to attack you for simply explaining that you had a bad experience. Really, everybody? Paul is a spoilsport because he didn’t enjoy being blindsided by horribly rude people? I’m not seeing how this is Paul’s problem. In my experiences (plural) at Whispering Canyon, I don’t remember ever having been expected, as a guest, to take my ketchup to another table, and I sure as heck would not appreciate being scolded by the recipient if I did. It is not fair or reasonable to assume or expect that someone who has never been to this place would just “know” how it’s all supposed to work, no matter what they saw or heard before they ever entered the restaurant. I agree that it’s a shame that they received so many complaints that they felt they needed to change how they work, but it sounds to me like in Paul’s particular case, there was a serious CM service failure in setting his expectations as an “uninitiated” guest at Whispering Canyon.

        • Thank you Tracy for your rational opinion and synopsis of my dining experience at WC… What really has me perplexed is that I didn’t complain to a CM, so therefore I am not one of the “complainers” that people on here feel are responsible… But clearly there were many who did complain of bad experiences, and clearly the people on this thread were oblivious to this problem… My original post was to show them a valid reason why WDW might have chosen to end this practice… Obviously my message wasn’t received well or with any civility, proving only further that a lack of civility, which they themselves have displayed, could be exactly why this change was enacted.

      • Sorry but you are one of the people that are contributing to Disney losing its fun aspect, everything can’t be PC…

      • I am Autistic and it makes me uncomfortable when this happens. I’m glad I don’t have to be put into this situation.

        • There are plenty of other options in and around Disney that you can dine at. I’ll leave it at that.

        • Nice try (whoever you are)… I’m 1,000% correct and I do not apologize for expressing my opinion that resort guests shouldn’t have to deal with irate fellow patrons as if they were CM’s… All it would take for a full blown fight in the middle of the restaurant would be for someone to lose their temper…The FACT that Disney is putting an end to this practice is all the proof I need to know that I am right!

          • I’m sorry. I don’t know where that last comment came from. I have no idea what I am talking about. Saying something as stupid as there would be a full blown fight. Iagain, please accept these uncontrollable outbursts. I do not know what is wrong with me.

          • Paul,

            If you can’t control yourself, like an adult, when someone is rude to you then you should definitely not be at Disney.

      • I think shenanigans are okay in a park restaurant, but not a resort restaurant. I’m glad they are going away.

        • According to the more recent visit to the restaurant by this website, there’s still plenty of ‘shenanigans’, but with a lower volume level in deference to nearby rooms. The ‘shenanigans’ are why the restaurant exists.

  2. That is so sad. Hopefully they get enough complaints the other direction. Or better yet people stop going for a while because of this. No one goes to Disney for the BBQ. 😂

  3. A huge bummer… it was one of the main reasons I liked this particular restaurant. The atmosphere. Stupid “PC”. Next, your waitress at 50’s Prime Time won’t be allowed to tell you to keep your elbows off the table. I’m a huge fan of Disney, but I’m offended and complaining because someone complained about simply having fun. It goes both ways… you can complain about one thing, so I’m complaining about the patrons who don’t like fun! Both are great places to eat and the atmosphere is what kept me coming back…

    • I agree! All the so called shenanigans is what kept us goi g back!! Why change a good thing? Someone probably got “offended” about something! I will be sending Disney an email about this one for sure!

    • Disney says they closed The Adventurers Club because people wanted more shopping. Now, stopping the fun because people don’t like fun. I am worried they are slowly turning into another rollercoaster heavy, adult pleasing amusement park. Not at all what Walt wanted.

    • Why is that a few cry babies always get their way. If they don’t like it there are plenty of other places to go eat.

      • That was my thought exactly. No one is forcing anyone to eat there. So many other paces for boring people to go preferably off property so non of us are seated next to them!

        • If you are new to Disney and go to restaurants the least you could do is see if you like the theme and environment of it. And if good ole Paul was in a “rush” then he shouldn’t have ate at a table service restaurant. Should’ve ate at Roaring Fork. Leave Disney as Disney is, please

    • Don’t blame PC. You know it’s the helicopter soccer moms with the “I want to speak with the manager” haircut who are the ones complaining. Thanks, Karen.

    • Well said. If you don’t like the atmosphere, then don’t go. There are plenty of restaurants in Disney where you can go to be serious. This is (was) a place the kids really enjoyed. Sad to see the change.

  4. “All these changes are said to be because of complaints made.”

    Is there a source that can confirm or deny this?

    • I have heard that there was a recent uptick in complaints as some of the antics went too far. One incident allegedly involved a cast member making a very creepy incest joke and the family he aimed it at being understandably livid.

  5. Wow! Why can’t people loosen up and have a laugh?! We LOVE this restaurant and I love it even more that my husband has become obsessed with it and has told anyone that will listen to him about it! We were planning on taking our family there in December we go for our annual Christmas trip. This is so sad! Get over yourselves people! It’s just some good clean fun!

    • I hadn’t been there before, and I was planning to go in with a big institutional sized ketchup jug in my backpack and prank them by saying “No, thanks, I brought my own!” just to put a new twist on it. Some people make everything miserable. Sad I never had the chance to join in on the fun.

  6. The ” shenanigans ” was a major reason why we went to this dining location on our trips , those complaining can either opt out or just go to Artist Point if they want something more refined.

  7. Someone got their But Hurt, Someone got Offended to see other people having a good time and laughing.. Very Said those People need a Island to themselves so the rest of us don’t have breath the same airs as them..Just saying

  8. This has been a tradition for us… first meal at Whispering Cafe to submerge us in the Disney fun! Our multi-generational family loves our visits there (or did) and would compliment our servers who really embraced their role! Just last summer I gave our Whispering Canyon Cafe server a #castcompliment for beginning our vacation on such a fun note. Taking away the fun will take our family elsewhere and end my constant recommendation to other families to check it out. Sad.

  9. We always close out our vacation at the Canyon. My daughter always make sure we are going. Hate to break the news to her. I want to know what manager decided to change this. This is one of the best restaurants to come and have fun with the staff. If this does happen, I highly doubt we will eat there again. Getting really tired of all of the changes that are happening. If people can’t let loose and enjoy some fun , then stay the heck home and let everyone else have a good time.

  10. What is this world coming too. Complaints ruining things for others. The Whispering Canyons has been doing this forever. It is something my family and I look forward to going to every visit. Please don’t let this fun experience fade away. Please let us know what we need to do to keep the traditions of fun going. So if people that complained are the ones that are getting this to stop. I and my family are complaining that you are taking this away. Please keep the fun at this restaurant.

  11. We absolutely love this restaurant. We go every time, more for the atmosphere and staff than the food. It’s all about the experience. The food is good but honestly we probably wouldn’t go for just the food. There are too many other places to go with great experiences. We tell everyone about our experiences there. This makes me VERY VERY sad.

  12. If a few poor sports ruined the fun for everyone I’ll be irritated too…. But who knows what the complaints were or what changes are actually being planned. It’s a little too early to launch into mach-5 outrage.

  13. All I can say about this is GREAT!!!

    I remember my first visit to WC (just after the lunch rush while we waited for our room to become available and the restaurant was maybe half full) in which I asked for ketchup and of course a dozen bottles came to the table. I must admit I didn’t get the humor but still thought well of the concept, especially the wooden stick horse parade for the kids. But when someone from another table asked for ketchup apparently it was my job all of a sudden to stop talking to my family (who just arrived and were busy planning our first day), drop my silverware and i-phone (opened to My Disney Experience app of course), and deliver ketchup to the table that was requesting it. No one briefed us at reception that this was going to be a requested duty of it’s patrons. Well anyways, when I get to the table which had 4 able body adults (2 men, 2 women, no kids) ranging in age from 25-45 I was met with an extremely rude attitude from one of the women who said “about time” as she snapped it out of my hand… I was taken aback a little by her comment and didn’t think she was serious at first… I tried to feel them out by making a little chuckle and a smile and said, “we just got here and are a little tired from our flight, and it’s our first time here at WC”… which was met with a “jeez” and a shaking of the head by the same woman while the others just stared with a look of angry condemnation and indignation… I just walked away not wanting to start my vacation by telling someone to @#%&*@# and didn’t mention it to my family till later that day… We all agreed we wouldn’t eat there again, if for no other reason than that experience, but we also didn’t think much of the food, or all the yelling anyways… I remember thinking how horrible it would be to have a room in ear shot of that place… I also thought about elderly people having to double as waiters for other ungrateful people like the ones I had to deal with, all while paying huge amounts of money to stay there… I’m glad to see this ill advised idea go, and must say I’m not surprised… at all!

    • Why would you go to WDW on vacation? It’s experiences like this that make the trip unique. Wow, go to wine country or New York if this experience wasn’t sophisticated enough for you. It appears your sensibilities are a little too sensitive to enjoy a little humor.

    • Your need to post the identical post twice to get the last word in speaks volumes. You have a right to your opinion but saying it more than once is not called for. Others clearly disagree with you but you are determined to have the last word. Pathetic.

    • Your need to post the same post twice to get the last word in speaks volumes. You have a right to your opinion but saying it more than once is not called for. Others clearly disagree with you but you are determined to have the last word. Pathetic.

      • Well you win the award for the biggest moron on this board. You criticize Paul since his post got posted twice when your post is also posted twice? In your own words “You have a right to your opinion but saying it more than once is not called for.” And yes, other morons here agree with you but I agree with Paul. I would also be ticked off if some other guest was being rude to me with their entitled attitude. And maybe you missed it (or more likely you can’t comprehend), Paul said he never complained about his WC experience to anyone at Disney.

    • I totally understand your point of view, however, it’s your choice to go or not go, as it is others choice to enjoy the entertainment or not. If it’s not your thing, go elsewhere. Why ruin the fun for others like myself? I don’t complain about a particular clothing item you may be wearing forcing to you to never wear it again, and if I did, you wouldn’t stop wearing it. You’re welcome to complain, but I’m free to argue against your point. It’s called communication. If you don’t like it, go somewhere else and have enjoy your meal there. Whispering Canyon is simply not your thing. Don’t ruin it for others or I’ll complain until you have to change clothes just to make me happy

      • It’s not necessarily my “view”… I would have taken that ketchup over to that table no problem every time with a smile on my face but in no way should I have to take verbal abuse upon completing said task… If something like that happened to me you know it must happen a lot, at least enough to cause arguments or possibly a fight. If my family wasn’t present I would have told her where to go and if one of the men had anything to say about it I guarantee I would have been more then happy to offer more than words to them (I was red hot!)… So my point is, it’s the fellow patrons that you have to worry about causing problems, like in my case… At the very least brief people when they come in of their duties and to be grateful to one another when participating (which in this day and age is asking a lot)… Again, based on my experience is what a dumb idea which only asked for trouble!

        • And BTW, I didn’t complain… not one word to a CM… and I controlled my temper well (extremely well considering I just got off a long flight)…

          If you want to be upset at anyone for this change, don’t blame me, blame the people like the ones I delivered the ketchup to… obviously there were problems with this.

          • Paul, you have a valid point. Personally, I expect some patrons to act like a fool in public, even tho it’s not the time to it’s an opportunity to show my little dependents how not to act in public. So, we still have a blast. Not everyone was taught manners apparently, but it’s a shame their voices are louder than the voices of those in favor of fun

      • It’s not necessarily my “view”… I would have taken that ketchup over to that table no problem every time with a smile on my face but in no way should I have to take verbal abuse upon completing said task… If something like that happened to me, you know it must happen a lot, at least enough to cause arguments or possibly a fight. If my family wasn’t present I would have told her where to go and if one of the men had anything to say about it I guarantee I would have been more than happy to offer more than words to them (I was red hot!)… So my point is, it’s the fellow patrons that you have to worry about causing problems, like in my case… At the very least, brief people when they come in of their duties and to be grateful to one another when participating (which in this day and age is asking a lot)… Again, based on my experience it was a dumb idea which only asked for trouble!

        • Agree with you Paul. I went to Whispering Canyon several years ago and was not impressed with the service and thought the shenanigans were just plain stupid. I never complained, but never went back. Kudos to you for keeping your temper. I’m not sure I could have done the same.

        • That is part of how it works at WC. Most of the cast member servers are rude too but it is all in good fun and part of the restaurant.

    • Really
      Give me a break..
      Too many people just look to complain about everything. Life is too short

    • I shutter to think that you base all experiences in life on one bad experience and then expect others to feel the same way.
      You’re GLAD something is getting completely shut down that obviously thousands of other people find worth while?
      … this is the problem and why things like this happen. Why can’t you just decide it’s not for you and leave it at that? It’s really not that hard to do.

    • I was with Paul. I found a lot of humor in it. Especially since one of his body parts should be featured in its a small world.

      • See, you people are proving exactly the reason that that practice probably had to be stopped… people aren’t civil anymore… JUST READ SOME OF YOUR POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You’re all angry ketchup snatching Linda’s!

        Disney can’t put resort guests in a position to have to deal with mean people like Linda when they are not CM’s and it’s not there jobs to deal with complaining customers… Disney was asking for trouble and you can thank people like Linda…

        (this is my third attempt to respond to Linda’s mature post… just in case my first two show up)

        • OK Paul, see you in its a small world…… And because you must be so immature, I was speaking of your small mind. So take yourself to the unhappiest place on earth because you need serious help and are without question, unhappy….PAUL

        • BTW Paul. Why do you think I am not a cast member that would have to put up with the likes of your kind?
          We are here to create an experience, it is all a show that we are taught to perform. Maybe you should put your phone down and have paid attention to what was REALLY going on around you.

          • Oh, please like I didn’t do all those things when I was there! I’m paying 10K+ to have a good time, every time I go there, which I do! None of your post makes any sense… So it’s better for me to deal with angry customers? I’m not a CM, you are, and you should know more than anyone how people can lash out for unknown reasons… and FYI I’m a big supporter of CM’s ongoing Union contract talks with Disney. Look up my posts on that thread from just a few days ago, after reading this… You’re welcome in advance!!!

            And everyone knows what you were referring to sweetheart! And I’m not gonna even quote all your other posts… :(

          • Oh, please like I didn’t do all those things when I was there! I’m paying 10K+ to have a good time, every time I go there, which I do! None of your post makes any sense… So it’s better for me to deal with angry customers? I’m not a CM, you are, and you should know more than anyone how people can lash out for unknown reasons… and FYI I’m a big supporter of CM’s ongoing Union contract talks with Disney. Look up my posts on that thread from just a few days ago, after reading this… You’re welcome in advance!!!

            And everyone knows what you were referring to sweetheart! And I’m not gonna even quote all your other posts… :(

            (2nd attempt in case the first one also shows up)

          • Oh, please like I didn’t do all those things when I was there! I’m paying 10K+ to have a good time, every time I go there, which I do! None of your post makes any sense… So it’s better for me to deal with angry customers? I’m not a CM, you are, and you should know more than anyone how people can lash out for unknown reasons… and FYI I’m a big supporter of CM’s ongoing Union contract talks with Disney. Look up my posts on that thread from just a few days ago, after reading this… You’re welcome in advance!!!

            And everyone knows what you were referring to sweetheart! And I’m not gonna even quote all your other posts… :(

            (third attempt to post this in case the other two also post)

            And Bryan, I’ve been going to WDW at least once a year since 1974 (and I can barely remember it)… we had to buy tickets for each ride back then… no one appreciates Walter Elias Disney more than me… I’ve wrote papers and read many books on Mr. Disney… you, don’t know what you’re talking about…

          • Oh, please like I didn’t do all those things when I was there! I’m paying 10K+ to have a good time, every time I go there, which I do! None of your post makes any sense… So it’s better for me to deal with angry customers? I’m not a CM, you are, and you should know more than anyone how people can lash out for unknown reasons… and FYI I’m a big supporter of CM’s ongoing Union contract talks with Disney. Look up my posts on that thread from just a few days ago, after reading this… You’re welcome in advance!!!

            And everyone knows what you were referring to sweetheart! And I’m not gonna even quote all your other posts… :(

            And Bryan, I’ve been going to WDW at least once a year (on average of course) since 1974 (and I can barely remember it)… we had to buy tickets for each ride back then… no one appreciates Walter Elias Disney more than me… I’ve wrote papers and read many books on Mr. Disney… you, don’t know what you’re talking about… WDW is a little piece of heaven to me…

            (fourth attempt to post this in case the other three show up)

        • Paul , you and your kind will be the downfall of The Disney Experience that we love. Please go to Busch Gardens or Sea World , But don’t ruin the fun….

        • So let’s be clear. Now you’re changing your story (AGAIN) to say that you actually liked the restaurant a lot, and had “no problem” with the shenanigans and didn’t complain to a CM — but that your only issue was another guest who was rude to you.

          So because a GUEST was rude to you, you want the entire restaurant’s concept and all of the “fun stuff” to change for everyone else?

          Paul, you’re either a very confused person or just a nasty troll.

          • Jay… again, your reading comprehension level is very low… get yourself to the nearest Sylvan Learning Center immediately!

    • I had no problem taking ketchup to someone. It was fun. But I might have had a word or two with the rude witch. She should get a life too. Go someplace where there is less fun.

  14. It’s probably because people don’t do any research before going here to know what they’re getting into. There was one time I was there years ago and someone complained to a manager because of the behavior. It’s the atmosphere!
    The amount of changes Disney has been making is ridiculous because people are so easily offended. Stop taking the fun out of Disney :(.

  15. Complaining about the Whispering Canyon waitstaff being silly is like complaining about princesses bothering you during your nice quiet breakfast at Akershus or the food being too Japanese at Teppan Edo. That’s WHY PEOPLE GO. And now that they’ve taken many of the old “western style” skillet items off the menu, I’m not sure why anyone would go there.

  16. We went here for the first time ,had no clue if my husband would like this type of atmosphere. Well I New all about it so I asked for ketchup to get things rolling,My husband sat there laughed so hard at how much ketchup I had on the table. Then my grandchildren could not wait for someone to ask for ketchup so they could run it to there table.It was the most enjoyable meal the laughs we had made this our favorite place . The memories are great from there😁

  17. Are you serious? Who complained? Disney needs to tread very carefully here. If they just keep building roller coasters and remove the elements that make their park special, I can certainly find a much less expensive alternative to what is becoming another generic theme park. Last time I stay at Wilderness (and we are DVC members).

  18. What if we pay $24 to park there? Can we play the ketchup game then?

    This can’t be real? Taking away the charm and magic of the restaurant…

  19. This is the dumbest thing I have seen done by Disney in long time, hell might as well just close down the restaurant , was my favorite but now, McDonald’s sounds better

  20. Just laughing at all the people complaining about “crybabies” getting “offended and complaining”.

  21. Those “shenanigans” were the best pat of the whole dining experience at Whispering Canyons. I’m not sure it’s worth the extra travel time or money without the shenanigans!

  22. I am extremely upset and saddened after reading about changes coming to the experience of dining at Whispering Canyon Cafe. This restaurant always offered an “experience” not just a meal that was different from all the others. The fact that some people, who clearly did not do their research before going there, would complain causing Disney to change what goes on there, and ruin it the experience for the fun loving, light hearted people who DO come for the experience is extremely upsetting!!! The menu there is certainly not what ever drew us to dine there, there is surely much better food to be had around the parks and resort restaurants. It was the fun atmosphere!!! Will you bow down and change every experience now because surely there are people that will complain about everything!!! Perhaps guiding people to a more quiet atmosphere would be more in order than taking the fun out of something that was unique. I am very upset to read about this change and hope it’s not to late to reconsider a mistake in the making.

  23. We were just there in March and enjoyed a wild lunch at WCC. This seems unnecessary the wait staff can tell if you want to have fun and “play along” or be a stick in the mud and just eat. They put my daughter in jail and I had roughly a gallon of coke. It was wonderful.

  24. People suck. I went here once with friends that were theater people and dug the whole cast interaction thing. Me? I have anxiety and eating a meal in that kind of setting isn’t fun for me. Soooo guess what? I just don’t go there. Literally HUNDREDS of other choices in Disney and surrounding area that I can enjoy a meal at without complaining and ruin someone else’s fun.

  25. Is it me or wasn’t there a card you can flip over to ask your server to add shenanigans or not?
    I reserved a spot in August with my family to take part I. The fun but instead will have just a regular meal at just another spot on Disney property. Thus is very disappointing and hope this change is not permanent

  26. So sad! My family ate there for the first time, during our trip in March. It was a highlight of our trip, and we still talk about our hilarious server and the ketchup shenanigans. The entertainment factor is what drew us to this restaurant.

  27. That is sad. My girls now grown loved that silly stuff and my son and his girlfriend was just there and it was her first time there and she had a blast loved it. It is sad that there are people in this world that just are not happy and they ruin it for all the other people. I am 56 and I have been going to Disney since I was little my father loved the hoop dee doo. And we always took our kids for vacation they love it they still go.

  28. My wife and I are in our 70s. Just back from WDW. This time just the 2 of us, but sometime with 3 grands kids. We always eat at WC. What is the world coming to. We love eating at WC. So people need to get a life.


  29. That’s just pathetic. One of the things that make/made several restaurants all over property so much fun is/were the shenanigans that went on. It’s all part of the show. It’s what made them so charming and fun. These idiots who don’t like it don’t have to eat at those places. Disney should stop playing to the few who complain and play to the masses. I’m tired of hearing “constantly changing”. No one fixes something that isn’t broke. What Disney needs to do for places like that is post information on their website, in front of the restaurants, in the disclaimer that appears when booking a reservation, etc that say, “Warning! Shenanigans go on in the restaurant. If you do not like shenanigans please do not eat here.”

  30. Disney suporter for Life….

    I have been going to Disney since I was (4) years old. I am now 48 and have never missed a year. We always go with my kids (5) and friends and I have worked with many WDW executives over the years and unfortunatley seen many changes some good and some bad.

    When I read the multiple posts here of people who get tbe Disney spirit, whom go over and over for the experiences and memories, I 100% agree with them that people whom dont want the same experience should just stay home and not ruin it for others.

    What a sad day it is when a lighthearted shennagin over some ketchup has offended someone to where billions of others will suffer..

    Disney haters and complainers ** STAY HOME **

    • Hey Disney if you’re listening it’s quite a landslide as far as comments go.Listen to your peeps. This was a bad move.

    • I, too, am a huge Disney fanatic. I’m not always going to agree with everything Disney does and I don’t agree with the removal of the shenanigans at WCC. As I’ve said many times today, you don’t have to go eat at WCC if the shenanigans offend you. There are plenty of places to eat elsewhere. Maybe you’re just having a bad day or maybe you are into the playful chaos at WCC. Find someplace else to eat. I’m sure those complaining about disrupting their meal over ketchup wouldn’t want us that love the fun, to force change on some area where they find enjoyable, all because it’s not our thing. Don’t spoil the fun for everyone. Go somewhere else and find your own fun

  31. Noooo this restaurant is so fun! One served brought me a cupcake and sang Happy birthday and the second the song was done, a another server immediately grabbed and ate it. He was like “Thanks!” and walked away.(They did bring me a second one lol)

    The antics are what make this place fun. I don’t have kids myself, but I always thought this place would be good for kids at lunch to tire themselves out for a nice afternoon nap.

  32. If one does like at atmosphere at a restaurant they should go someplace else. Why do people try to change things to suit themselves without thinking of others.

  33. If no more silliness, then my family might as well as cancel our dinner reservations! We love the antics! If I wanted a regular, quiet meal, I could go anywhere! I want The Whispering Canyon the way it’s always been!

    • I know, we were planning on doing that in November. Probably won’t even bother now. We’ll just find somewhere else to go.

  34. It’s a shame the classic pranks are gone, as I remembered them fondly from when I was a kid. I booked a reservation during our 2016 trip and was actually really disappointed in the experience – our server was leaning a little too heavy on a grumpy persona and came off kind of rude rather than playful. If complaining guests have impacted the servers’ enjoyment to the extent that they can’t “play” anymore, I’m sure it just causes further complaints and makes the restaurant less fun. While I admit I could have just had a one-off bad experience and I would have been willing to try WC again, I can also understand Disney’s desire to revisit the restaurant’s concept if my experience has become the norm. I hope they find a new way to inject fun into the meal though, as its current state doesn’t sound appealing at all.

  35. I brought our nephew from California to Whispering Springs Cafe just for the show this last Tuesday. So, So sad, no show. What’s up. It was the best, I am so disappointed. Why do we need another plain restaurant, we can get that on the outside of disney. We come for the show and the fun.

  36. I realize that Disney is all about accommodating their customers, so that everyone has a good time. What Disney seems to have overlooked, is that some people are determined to have a bad experience, no matter what. To those people, and they are not hard to spot, Disney really needs to learn to say “f@#k off!”.

  37. So sad to see the shenanigans go. This was a fun filled restaurant to visit. A suggestion for Disney would be, before shutting down the shenanigans, why don’t you advise guests on what to do expect before they make reservations. Then they could make the decision on rather to participate or go to the restaurant across the lobby where there aren’t any joking, laughter or loud eruptions. We visit WDW to get away from our everyday routine, to laugh, have fun, and try to relax. It is getting old having to bend over backwards for those who don’t want to participate, so they don’t want you to enjoy it either. THEY HAVE OPTIONS. They made the choice to eat there anyway…why I don’t know. But, don’t ruin it for those, the majority, to please the few.

  38. Just a thought, since the staff is not doing the shenanigans anymore, why can’t we as guests bring our own bottleS (yes plural) and create our own fun. Just a thought. Trying to keep the magic alive

  39. I was there on 4/23 at lunch Ketsup was called for twice. I purposefully asked for a refill so my companion could see the treat that I would get. I still have my fastpass to the bathroom. When presented with my bill, I was given a ribbon 7 ft long as I told the server to buy himself something pretty in the gift shop with my magic band

  40. Big thanks to WDW for making this announcement public in a less than timely fashion. Yesterday, We made a concerted effort to wake early, Uber to and from the Wilderness Lodge, only to have the WORST meal we’ve ever had on Disney property. Never, ever again.

  41. What? Complaints? Does anyone have a sense of humor anymore! Shame on Disney! I been going to one Disney complex or another since 1959 so I have seen some major changes and some I have been disappointed with. Just like this one!

  42. My best frend was a manager at Whispering Canyon when it first opened. I ate there many times but as a single I didn’t enjoy the “shenanigans”. Always felt the guest interaction was forced rather than natural.i did not find it enjoyable. And no, I’m not a bitter tourist, I’ve worked nearly 3 decades at WDW and know we do fantastic stuff. Just never felt that interaction was as good as we could have made it. The theaming should work for ll the guests.

  43. My wife and I are going to Disney World in November we will not eating there now. All the fun is now gone. I hope someone from Disney reads this and others and would change their minds.

  44. First. So sad to see the antics go it was part of the fun, disney isn’t the only place that has restaurants with specific themes that aren’t your typical run of the mill sit, order, eat, leave. God forbid you have human interaction outside of staring at a cell phone especially with kids at the table.Queation though, If you had rude interaction with other patrons how is that the restaurants fault? I’m pretty sure it’s just the people at the table that ruined your day not the whispering canyon, so sorry you had to look up from your cell phone and be present in the experience rather than be lost in candy crush…

  45. Whoever said, “this is why we can’t have good things!” said it best. Those that agree with this decision “appear” to be offended that their opinion is not welcomed by everyone. Whether this decision is because of a few patrons getting their feelings hurt or are offended or even upset that a few other patrons are acting a fool, is not a reason to ruin the fun for everyone else. Looking at the views and opinions of the majority of those on this section, the majority is in favor of keeping the shenanigans. I totally agree with the majority. Most everyone that has commented, shown restraint from name calling and so forth, however, the same cannot be said for those who disagree with the majority. My point is simple, it’s ok for this not being your thing. Go somewhere else and have a good time the way you enjoy but don’t ruin it for others. And you don’t have to resort to insults if you don’t agree with the majority. It just proves our point. No matter what, wishing you a magical day!

  46. Don’t change anything!!! When we go to Disney we always make our way to the Whispering Canyon not only because the food is fantastic but the entertainment is a bonus. We ALWAYS ask for Dustin. He is so funny. Always remembers us. Please keep it the same.

  47. Take this as 100% fact the reason the fun has stopped was bc of this one customer who complained about having a straw wrapper blown on them and then napkins dumped on this persons head, if you want the fun of Whispering Canyon to return, call the hotel direct and complain, complain, complain and do it again and again and ask others to do it as well, the servers are standing around “clumping” bc they do not know what to do. This was not a decision made by disney higher ups but by hotel management alone

  48. The servers at Carlos & Charlie’s in Las Vegas have been doing the “ketchup thing ” for years.

  49. We love the fun! We are always taking someone new when we go and they have a blast. When we do family reunions this is a must do for us. Please Disney listen to the likes too. I know their are more than the dislikes. The best memories their with my granddaughter. Ellis family

  50. I’m with Paul C. That sounds like an unpleasant experience. Why is no one jumping on the witch who scolded him for not getting her ketchup fast enough? And the posters chiding him sound less like Disney fans and more like “Mean Girls”. Happiest place on Earth? You all sound cranky .

    • Right on Alice…

      They hardly say boo about the “mean girls” (and certainly no solutions), for which could be the very reason this ketchup practice was stopped… baffling…

  51. Glad we went last year for the first time. Looking forward to going back b/c the food is amazing and the shenanigans make the place such a fun and enjoyable experience. But for how much it costs, I’m not sure I’d go back w/o the craziness of the place. Food is still definitely worth it for the price, but would miss the activities.

  52. People need to take the bug out of their , well you know. Lighten up. This whole has become full of people who think there more important than anyone else. If they don’t like something will go out of their way to complain until it’s removed. People ruin everything. Don’t go if you don’t like it. Stay the hell Home and let the rest of us enjoy life!

  53. I loved Whispering Canyon and found it great fun! When we’ve been there it was only the kids that delivered the ketchup to other tables. My grandkids thought it was great fun!

  54. You are giving in to the rich and famous spoiled brats in the world, please keep Disney World family friendly. Next you will probably do the same to the prime time 50’s cafe. Heck, you already turned it from a family friendly restaurant to more of an adult themed lounge. So sad Disney. :(

  55. If you want to be a party pooper, simply put your table card on the “I hate fun” side and you won’t have to create memories with your family such as that time you ran 20 bottles of ketchup to a stranger’s table and made them laugh. Simple.

  56. If Disney is going to rake me over the coals financially, at least let me have some fun. No reason to go there now. It is now just a no fun bbq restaurant. Didn’t they do the same at Prime Time? Last time we ate there, it was very boring.

  57. I am not usually one to protest but everyone should ketchup to:
    The Walt Disney Company – Walt Disney World Co.
    P.O. Box 10000
    Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830

    until it’s funny again!

  58. If people are unhappy with “the shenanigans”, they shouldn’t go there. That’s like going to a Metallica concert and being upset that there was loud music.

  59. This whole thing of changing everything because someone was annoyed or offended is getting ridiculous.. I was never a fan of the shenanigans there.. but it didn’t bother me either way.. it was part of the experience at eating there and I know many people who loved it, some who hated it, and many like me didn’t matter to them. People in this country really need to get over themselves and realize you don’t have to have EVERYTHING your way. If the way a business operates “offends” you or whatever… don’t give them your business… If you dont like it — dont go there… there are quite a few other restaurants around the Disney property, go to one that better suits your needs, wants, desires… whatever.. There are plenty of things at the parks / resorts that dont interest me at all — but I dont forbid the rest of my family from doing them if they enjoy them.

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