REVIEW: What’s a Watcho? Lunch at the New Rix Sports Bar and Grill Ceases to Impress at Coronado Springs


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REVIEW: What’s a Watcho? Lunch at the New Rix Sports Bar and Grill Ceases to Impress at Coronado Springs


REVIEW: What’s a Watcho? Lunch at the New Rix Sports Bar and Grill Ceases to Impress at Coronado Springs


Types of Merchandise:

REVIEW: What’s a Watcho? Lunch at the New Rix Sports Bar and Grill Ceases to Impress at Coronado Springs

Back in March we told you that the tequila lounge at Coronado Springs, Rix Lounge, was changing to become a table service restaurant. The location next door, Las Ventanas, closed in January so it’s natural for this location to alter their service to provide a more convention-style atmosphere. This location is able to be booked for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Lunch and dinner serve the same menu whereas breakfast is entirely different. We ventured over to Coronado Springs earlier this week to check out the changes and have lunch.

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The new interior lost most of the comfy couches and replaced them with tables, also taking away the dark curtains and creating a very light and open atmosphere. Almost too bright.

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They also added a LOT of TVs. There were already numerous TVs here, but now they’re trying to rival ESPN Club.

B56FC830 C66A 412A 9811 C034389DEC26

A852A16D E08C 4E75 8308 E60249BF38ED

What’s a watcho? What’s a watcho with you! Or they can be waffle fry nachos. Yeah, maybe.

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We assume the French Dip isn’t a salad. Great menu design.

512FCA0F 8ABA 4277 9703 A825BC84D377

$11 for a pint of Tampa Bay Reef Donkey. No thanks. Their beer prices for local Florida drafts are crazy. Go to Stargazers at Disney Springs for their $5 happy hour (4-7 weekdays) and get drafts there.

39E14C65 2E74 4FA7 B694 5B62CF864C3D

We’re done with Micheladas after doing roughly 827 reviews on them for DCA Food & Wine. Never again.


10 Boneless Wings in Asian Sesame Sauce – $12.00

F14F5F70 4B4C 4A26 8DF6 305AF874D5AD

70F04755 8A96 43A4 920F 71145AB5CF98

Already not a stellar price, but doable by Disney standards. We recently lost the ESPN Club dingers and hoped these would suffice. They didn’t. These are very basic, have a heavy breading, and just boring even though we picked what we imagined the most exciting sauce. You can do better… not here.


Lobster Sliders – $18.00

58D57B38 B514 4A75 956A 81946DD6202A

66C78BBD 491B 4EBB 8E5E 26924A6A998D

Three sliders with a fresh, cold lobster salad stuffed-in. We’ve had a myriad of lobster rolls thrown at us throughout the years from Columbia Harbor house, and we’d rather take another one from there than these again. While they weren’t necessarily bad, they’re not worth $6/roll. There’s more filler than lobster in the salad mixture and a pungent onion flavor that permeated the entire mixture. At least they’re easy to share (you can have mine, too).


Watchos – Crispy waffle fries, queso blanco, bacon, scallions – $12.00

2F3CD652 9774 4D33 8FBA 746A8B752977

3E7C5DEA C62F 45F1 8127 120FC70D4883

These were a thing. While the name ‘watchos’ makes you anticipate a version of nachos, but over waffle fries, that’s not exactly what was presented. This dish is literally just loaded fries, and Splitsville does it better. The fries are okay on their own, but once you start to find the glops of queso below that are filled with pepper your mind will change. There’s a lot of bacon, unfortunately it’s not crispy and rather mushy, almost not fully cooked. There’s a lot going on here, and we have some unflattering pictures of the end result that we’re just not going to show you. Oh, maybe you want to see. Just one? Okay…

1A65CD8C 1056 4DC4 B58D B3C9F5651525



We didn’t even get to entrees and the place is a disaster. Surely the convention crowd will enjoy this boring food and overpriced booze, after all: they’re not paying for their food, their company is. We can’t imagine this place being popular with the leisure guests at the resort or anyone looking for a solid meal. If you want to watch a sporting event, ESPN Club at Boardwalk has better service, viewing, and food. Try there, and check out our recent review here.

4 thoughts on “REVIEW: What’s a Watcho? Lunch at the New Rix Sports Bar and Grill Ceases to Impress at Coronado Springs”

  1. With the ESPN Club on property, I’m not sure why another resort would make an attempt at a strict sports bar. I mean, I do understand that a new convention center is being constructed, but if that’s the case, and that is the theme you are shooting for, then go absolutely ALL in on it. This looks like an absolute pathetic attempt at a sports bar (compared to ESPN Club)

    • Hilly you do know that WDW covers 50 sq miles right, I mean its not like they are next door to each other.
      Actually Hilly it looks nice compared to BSPN, I mean its refreshing not your “typical” sports bar.

      • First off, where is the BSPN sports bar? I’ve never heard of that one. Must be new. Regardless, it’s WDW, how many strict sports bars are needed? I’m sure the overwhelming majority of people visiting the resort aren’t there to watch a sporting event on tv. Which leads me to my initial point: ESPN is such a great sports bar, that anything else on property would pale in comparison.

  2. It was never a popular spot, stayed at the Coronado twice before and never went into the place as it looked dark and dingy. May give a try this time when we stay in August. I like the updated interior

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