A specialty hot dog from a quick service restaurant may not be the crowning procurement of your Disneyland Resort visit. Considering what Disney is prone to release as one of their limited-time offerings, perhaps it ought to be. Guests of Disneyland’s Halloween Time festivities, who doubted the wisdom and allure of the Refreshment Corner Halloween Hot Dog learned a valuable lesson: question Disney creativity, risk missing out on an unexpectedly exceptional experience.
Are we comparing a ten-dollar snack to some truly vacation-determining event? Yeah. Absolutely. Considering guests can spend far more on a litany of meals, souvenirs, and parking privileges they won’t appreciate or remember, the unanticipated taste extravaganza of a limited-time hot dog may be well worth your time and patronage.
Philly Cheesesteak Hot Dog – $9.79
Disney has, again, dared guests to deny the brilliance of combining two seemingly incompatible meaty comestibles into a once inviolable American institution. The now vindicated Halloween Time Cast, who impressed with the meatball-hot dog creation, are either directly responsible for, or work within eavesdropping proximity to those who concocted (stole) the new Philly dog. Bottom line, a hot dog topped with roast beef is every bit as unexpectedly wonderful as one covered in meatballs. Don’t insist you don’t love it until you’ve tried it.
If nothing else, this unanticipated bit of brilliance may be the breakthrough we need, societally, to ultimately embrace the Oxford comma. Change is often (always) difficult to accept. An entire other comma in conjunction with a conjunction may appear unnecessary, even threatening. Those raised on Dick and Jane, Funk & Wagnals, and Tom and Jerry will little have time for a sudden shift in previously, indisputable grammatical norms. However, when a plastic sign detailing an arguably experimental snack item insists upon the a new normal, it is probably, actually, the new normal.
Festival of Holidays visitors, do try the new dog if you have the gumption, seek out any of a number of specialty churros, and save room for cheesecake. If uncomfortable with a brand new sentence structure in 2018, join the well-populated club.