REVIEW: Purple Drinks, Churros, and Minnie Cake Pops Come to the Magic Kingdom

Annie Wilson

REVIEW: Purple Drinks, Churros, and Minnie Cake Pops Come to the Magic Kingdom

Walt Disney World’s first V.I.Passholder event of 2019 was a purple paradise for guests. Purple lights, balloons, and wristbands really got us in the mood for all the new potion purple merchandise. And, of course, there were tons of purple snacks!

Potion Purple annual passholder event treats
Purple Wall was poppin’ last night.

During the event, annual passholders were given exclusive access to buy the newest purple merchandise and treats. Mickey’s Star Traders, Merchant of Venus, and Auntie Gravity’s Galactic Goodies were closed off and only accessible to passholders with purple wristbands. There were quite a few disappointed guests asking why they weren’t allowed inside Auntie Gravity’s to buy the purple cake pops. We even had to break some hearts when a family asked us where they could get one, too. The treats were exclusive to annual passholders during the event, but we were told that the Minnie cake on a stick will be available to everyone soon. Yay!

Purple Minnie Cake On A Stick – $5.99Potion Purple annual passholder event treats

The star of the night was the purple Minnie cake on a stick. And by cake on a stick, this is no joke. This is no mini Minnie cake. It’s a really big portion for your money. It’s vanilla cake covered in a purple shell, topped with a white chocolate bow. It’s so cute, you’ll want to run down to the purple wall for a selfie. Once you finish taking all your cute photos, you’ll find out this cake pop also tastes amazing. Yes, this “cake on a stick” tastes amazing. The entire Minnie shape is made up of fresh, fluffy cake. There’s no bells and whistles to this treat. It’s just delicious vanilla cake all the way through… and maybe that’s a good thing. We were glad there were no surprises here, and this snack tastes even better than it looks.

Potion Purple annual passholder event treats

Purple Sugar Churro With Chocolate Sauce – $5.89

Potion Purple annual passholder event treats

What can you really say about a churro? I’m usually unimpressed by Disney churros, but this one was surprisingly good. We weren’t the only ones thinking this, either. We heard other guests commenting about how good these churros were. The churro was coated in purple sugar and served with a chocolate dipping sauce. Cast members were unsure if this would still be available after the event.

Purple Drink – $6.99

Potion Purple annual passholder event treats

That’s right, for just $6.99, you can have purple drink at Disney. (That is, if you were at the V.I.Passholder event.) In any case, we sampled it for you. And we saved you $7. This drink is basically a smoking, bubbling photo-op, but it’s good. It’s made up of grape Fanta, Hawaiian island syrup, and green apple boba balls, served “jet-chilled” with dry ice at the bottom. The drink was smoking and bubbling, making the boba bounce around at the bottom. Basically, it’s smoking grape Fanta for $7 in a weird souvenir strainer cup.

Potion Purple annual passholder event treats
This gives “glow up” a whole new definition.

Purple Wall Cotton Candy – $4.69

potion purple ap event cotton candy
Full disclosure, this photo is from October (because we’re just that far ahead of the game.)

You can find the Purple Wall cotton candy sold most days, so this wasn’t new to the event. But it’s still purple, and cotton candy is always good.

We really enjoyed the V.I.Passholder event and look forward to the next one. Grab your potion purple spirit jersey, purple Minnie cake on a stick, and we’ll see you at the purple wall!

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