With Easter right around the corner, we’ve seen a lot of Easter Egg displays around the resorts. Over at Disney’s All-Star Resorts, you can find some egg displays created by Cast Members. They’re all so creative, and it appears as if each display was created by a different department. At All-Star Sports, they were labeled, but at Music and Movies, the creators were left a mystery. Take a look at all the amazing displays!
2019 Easter Egg Displays at Disney’s All-Star Resorts
All-Star Sports
Our first stop was to check out the displays at All-Star Sports. Each egg is labeled for the decorating contest. Guests are encouraged to text their vote for best display.
The first egg in the contest is themed to Dumbo the Flying Elephant. The display actually moves. Each egg has its own Dumbo, and the base slowly spins around.
We found the whole cast from Pixar’s “Up!” The house and the balloons are eggs as well here.
We found some of the Tank Gang in a clear plastic egg. This is a cute and creative way to decorate an egg, and the Darla photo makes it even better.
The Infinity Gauntlet gets a lot of attention. Even the fingers are stacked eggs.
Each of these eggs in this basket of candy are hand-painted and decorated with a unique pattern.
Another “Up!” entry. This is an idea I might try to make myself.
An impressive Star Wars display finishes off the eggs for All-Star Sports.
All-Star Music
Our next stop was All-Star Music.
The first display we find uses eggs for the Avengers.
A traditional Easter Bunny surrounded by a bunch of tiny bunny eggs.
There’s a massive display of Pixar’s “Inside Out”. It’s very detailed and impressive. There’s even a hidden Mickey.
Higher. Further. Faster. Easter. This Captain Marvel egg is beautiful.
A Darth Vader egg and Stormtrooper eggs make up another big Star Wars display.
The final one for All-Star Music was a traditional Easter Bunny in a basket of decorated eggs.
All-Star Movies
Our last stop for the day was All-Star Movies.
Kevin, sitting in a nest, towers over the other egg displays. This took some skill.
The Aladdin display is very eye-catching. The Genie looks great.
Eggvengers: Egg-Game. Check out those poor, poor Peeps.
Awww. Dumbo’s mom in a circus tent. There are lights inside, too.
These are amazing. Look at the detail. Even a tiny bat stanchion on top. I wish it was the Walt Disney World mansion, but I’m a die-hard mansion fan and appreciate it in every form.
This R2-D2 egg is fantastic. I love this idea.
These Cast Member-created displays are really fun and creative ways to use Easter eggs. I love that Disney allows their Cast Members to display these for guests to see and vote on. Which of these displays are your favorites?