Ah, the colonial days, back when you would have to stand while eating your food. Thankfully, only for a little bit longer as the new Liberty Square Market seating area seems to be moving along nicely.
During our last update, the center portion of the seating area was filled with water after a rainstorm. Luckily, the surrounding area has now had cement laid down to prevent the same thing from happening again:
Whether this is the base of a planter, a fountain, or perhaps a statue/monument is still unclear, but at the rate things are coming togethe,r we may have the answer sooner then we think.
The sectioned off pathway we previously wrote about has also been given some contrasting cement since we last visited. It almost seems to have a cobblestone look to it.
We also spotted another pathway, this one winding down from the market itself, which I’m sure will be given the same concrete treatment as the others soon.
All in all, for less then a weeks’ time, the progress made in this area is very promising. From the looks of it, this seems to be shaping up to be a welcome improvement to what we had before at Liberty Square Market.
Remember to check back here for more updates and hopefully an answer to the mysterious center piece!