French Government Grants Time Extension Through 2036 for Disneyland Paris 3rd Park Expansion


French Government Grants Time Extension Through 2036 for Disneyland Paris 3rd Park Expansion


French Government Grants Time Extension Through 2036 for Disneyland Paris 3rd Park Expansion

An amendment to the agreement between the French government and Disney has allowed Disneyland Paris to take until 2036 to build a third theme park in Marne-la-Vallée (outside Paris). This extends Disney’s previous deadline to build a new theme park by ten years.

Disneyland Paris August 201910 scaled

In order for the amendment to be valid, Euro Disney must achieve an average of 22 million visitors per year by March 2036. Disneyland Paris currently averages 15 million visitors annually. The new amendment also allows for another extension to be made if this threshold is not met. However, if a new park is not built and the deadline is not extended, the French government has the right to market Disney’s unused land.

Source: Le Parisien.