New “The Simpsons” Short Film To Debut Before Disney and Pixar’s “Onward” Showings

Joe Hogarty

New “The Simpsons” Short Film To Debut Before Disney and Pixar’s “Onward” Showings

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Pixar is about to break with tradition when “Onward” hits theaters this week. Instead of an original Pixar short, a new Simpsons short, “Playdate With Destiny”, will debut before the film “Onward” begins.

“Playdate With Destiny” was originally to air as an episode on “The Simpsons. The producers of the show felt that this story, which focuses on Maggie Simpson, would work better as a theatrical short. After Fox was purchased by Disney, the producers of The Simpson met with Disney and discussed the idea of using “Playdate With Destiny” as an opening short for one of Disney’s animated films. Disney agreed and chose “Onward” to be that film.

You can see “Playdate With Destiny” when “Onward”opens on March 6th.

From The Simpsons’ Instagram account:

Source: @thesimpsons

3 thoughts on “New “The Simpsons” Short Film To Debut Before Disney and Pixar’s “Onward” Showings”

  1. I’m sorry – that’s just a REALLY dumb idea and waters down the pixar brand/tradition. Though I’m sure to a few MBAs this “cross-pollinization of IP to increase marketability on a minimal investment” sounds “brilliant”.

    What’s next? Have the Simpsons light Cinderella’s Castle along with Santa’s Little Helper?

  2. This is a bad move, I hope Disney learns from their mistakes with this movie- the worst performing Pixar movie ever.
    I saw Luxo jr debut in animation festivals, have seen every Pixar short and movie ever since.
    To open it with the Simpsons- Disney destroyed Pixar creativity.

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