Watch a Livestream of Shanghai Disneyland’s Grand Reopening Ceremony Tonight

Jessica Figueroa

Watch a Livestream of Shanghai Disneyland’s Grand Reopening Ceremony Tonight

In less than an hour’s time, Shanghai Disneyland will make history by becoming the first Disney Park to reopen after the unprecedented COVID-19 closures. You can watch a livestream of the reopening via The Paper, the official Twitter account of Pengpai News 澎湃新闻. As we’ve covered extensively, the reopening of Shanghai Disneyland will implement a number of new health and safety protocols, including limited capacity and social distancing for all guests. All guests present today had to secure advance reservations in order to attend the grand reopening, and advance reservations will be required throughout the phased reopening.

You can watch the live stream of the official reopening grand ceremony embedded below. If you’re on mobile, you can also access the live broadcast via this link.


2 thoughts on “Watch a Livestream of Shanghai Disneyland’s Grand Reopening Ceremony Tonight”

  1. The last couple of postings you have written are very misleading. I watched the article and it was not said that Walt Disney World guests would HAVE to wear masks. Your previous article last week led people to believe that June reservations would be canceled which is also not true. They have only stopped taking reservations because they have reached the capacity they are allowing to book which is why July 1st and on is now available.
    Your presentation of the information is negative and not in a very good Magical Disney way.

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