Guest Arrested for Bringing Loaded Gun to Transportation and Ticket Center at Walt Disney World, States 6-Year-Old Was Supposed to “Watch Over It”

Jessica Figueroa

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Guest Arrested for Bringing Loaded Gun to Transportation and Ticket Center at Walt Disney World, States 6-Year-Old Was Supposed to “Watch Over It”

Yet another gun incident has been reported at the Walt Disney World Resort, this time taking place at the Transportation & Ticket Center, where a guest was arrested for carrying a concealed loaded 9mm gun—and attempting to ditch it behind a planter.

TTC new arrival procedure monorail july 7 previews 16
One of the AdventHealth temperature screening tents at the Ticket & Transportation Center in Walt Disney World.

According to the Orlando Sentinel’s Gabrielle Russon, the guest, named Marcia Temple of Lithonia, Georgia, blamed her 6-year-old in the police report, stating he was “supposed to be watching the gun.” A member of the AdventHealth temperature check team noticed her take her purse (which contained the gun) from the stroller and leave it behind a planter near the tent. They then alerted Disney Security of the issue. The Orange County Deputy on duty followed up by asking Temple why she’d brought a gun to Walt Disney World.

Temple did not have a concealed weapons permit, and was arrested and charged with carrying a concealed firearm. She is also now banned from Walt Disney World property.

Source: Orlando Sentinel

4 thoughts on “Guest Arrested for Bringing Loaded Gun to Transportation and Ticket Center at Walt Disney World, States 6-Year-Old Was Supposed to “Watch Over It””

  1. It was stupid to bring a gun to Disney, very stupid to ditch it like that, and incredibly stupid to just walk past the guest lockers to do it there.

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