Disney’s Hollywood Studios and Disney Springs In Compliance with COVID-19 Safety Measures, Per Recent Orange County Strike Team Visit

Jessica Figueroa


Disney’s Hollywood Studios and Disney Springs In Compliance with COVID-19 Safety Measures, Per Recent Orange County Strike Team Visit

Disney’s Hollywood Studios and Disney Springs were recently visited by Orange County strike teams and found to be compliant with COVID-19 safety measures.

The county-wide results were first reported by Spectrum News 13 reporter Ashley Carter on Twitter. The Disney’s Hollywood Studios inspection took place on Monday, November 9.

Disney Springs was visited on October 29 and was also found to be in compliance. It’s interesting to note that both visits were on non-weekends—Disney Springs regularly reaches capacity on busy weekends.

Face masks and social distancing are required at the parks and Disney Springs, with hand washing stations available throughout.

3 thoughts on “Disney’s Hollywood Studios and Disney Springs In Compliance with COVID-19 Safety Measures, Per Recent Orange County Strike Team Visit”

  1. Wow what nonsense! Do they do the same thing with influenza we have every year that’s kills 40 thousand alone in California is sort of like sniffles 19 does the same dam
    Thing! Nothing but lies!

  2. They need to visit Happy Hound and Leftys, those employees are no where near compliant, nor is the store or money handling procedures. Half the time the manager/owner Liz doesn’t even have her mask covering her face.

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