PHOTOS: New Limited Release “The Little Mermaid” Series of “Stitch Crashes Disney” Arrives at Walt Disney World

Shannen Ace


PHOTOS: New Limited Release “The Little Mermaid” Series of “Stitch Crashes Disney” Arrives at Walt Disney World

After a somewhat delayed release of the third series in the Stitch Crashes Disney collection, the fourth series has arrived at Walt Disney World only a week later.


The limited release collection is inspired by the original teaser trailers for Lilo & Stitch, which put the little blue alien into different classic Disney films.


Series 4 is inspired by The Little Mermaid, with Stitch looking like he’s “under the sea.”

Limited Release Stitch Pin – $24.99


Limited Release Stitch MagicBand – $34.99


Limited Release Stitch Plush – $29.99


These items are available at Star Traders in Magic Kingdom. What has been your favorite series of “Stitch Crashes Disney” so far? Let us know in the comments.

12 thoughts on “PHOTOS: New Limited Release “The Little Mermaid” Series of “Stitch Crashes Disney” Arrives at Walt Disney World”

  1. What the heck! Why wasn’t this released online! People are already selling on ebay for 3 times the price

  2. Sold out within a half hour. Went to go get my card and came back and they were gone. This rack was full as well as another. And now they are all posted on eBay for $100s

    • I am fed up I live to far from Disney to go buy them so I can only buy them online and I am still waiting for last month’s pin

  3. Very upset I ordered the third pin and have yet to receive it I even bought the holder for all the pins. Now Disney has no idea when it will be available for the April pin on the shop Disney site. This is such a messed up situation.

    • Wow! May 15th you can now TRY to get one….or deal with the scallopers who already have them listed for 125+ dollars now. Wonder how bad they’ll be when they know that you didn’t get one on the 15th. Disney should have sold them online first then the stores. Atleast give you a chance not to be scalloped. Problem also is UK gets them before US too.

  4. I am so disappointed 😭
    Why aren’t they released on online???
    I check everyday and night too. My my my…I’m starting to lose hope.
    I am so into Stitch

    • I was disappointed too. I saw today that the Little Mermaid collection will be released on May 14 at 7 am PT.

  5. Disney Store Japan has their release on 4/19 and the online store was sold out in a few minutes. Might be a life hack for future releases though if the USA is having issues and you know how to order in Japan.

  6. This is ridiculous!! I went online at 5am before work so it would be a short wait in the “waiting room”. After 5 hours on the website, I waited another half hour to be shown “SOLD OUT”! Yet on Ebay they are hundreds of dollars and they have multiple Stitches’. So much for one each person.

  7. I have been searching everywhere for these and I want one but I am NOT paying $100 or more for them! What I can’t believe is people have the audacity to even sell those for triple, quadruple, and beyond the retail price! If I find one at a more reasonable price or even for retail I will take it but til then I don’t need them! Ridiculousness.

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