In June, production of the fifth installment of the “Indiana Jones” film franchise was put on hold after Harrison Ford was injured on set. Now, it appears the 79-year-old actor is back in character after three months.
According to report from ET Canada, Ford was spotted in costume as Indiana Jones during filming in Italy over the weekend.
The Daily Mail also released several set photos from filming in Italy.
Ford reprises his role alongside new cast members Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Mads Mikkelsen, Thomas Kretschmann, Boyd Holbrook and Shaunette Renée Wilson. Composer John Williams, who has scored every feature film in the franchise, will also return.
“Indiana Jones 5” is expected to hit cinemas July 29th, 2022.
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When I was a kid, I kept saying “I hope they make another Indiana Jones movie when Harrison Ford is 80. That would be amazing.”
Listen, I try not to be ageist but… it’s time to hang up that whip.
Indiana Jones and the Tribulations of Old Age