VOTE NOW! Help Choose the 50 Biggest Moments in the History of Walt Disney World!

Tom Corless


VOTE NOW! Help Choose the 50 Biggest Moments in the History of Walt Disney World!

Over the next year, WDW News Tonight will be counting down the 50 Biggest Moments in the History of Walt Disney World, and we need your help!

Using the form linked here, please nominate up to 10 moments from the entire history of Walt Disney World that you think are the most impactful. It can be the opening of an attraction or show, the announcement of something, management changes, or even some worldwide event that impacted tourism. The choice is yours to make, so make it AT THIS LINK, then tune in to WDW News Tonight every Thursday evening at 9PM ET on YouTube to see what made the list!

1 thought on “VOTE NOW! Help Choose the 50 Biggest Moments in the History of Walt Disney World!”

  1. the biggest moment for disney? when they killed the what would walt do motto. in another 50 years, i can guarantee you no moment of the time that cheapact and d minus amaro runs things will ever be remembered kindly.

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