PHOTOS: Splash Mountain Barn Repainted Yellow for Tiana’s Bayou Adventure at Magic Kingdom

Shannen Ace

PHOTOS: Splash Mountain Barn Repainted Yellow for Tiana’s Bayou Adventure at Magic Kingdom

New foliage has been added to the Tiana’s Bayou Adventure façade in Magic Kingdom and the queue’s barn has been repainted as crews update the attraction’s exterior.

Tiana’s Bayou Adventure Façade

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Splash Mountain at Magic Kingdom closed in January to become Tiana’s Bayou Adventure. Construction walls and a new water tower advertise “Tiana’s Foods,” the fictional co-op founded by Tiana after the events of “The Princess and the Frog.” The co-op is located in an old salt mine, which guests will visit during the course of the new ride.

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New fake grass is atop some of the flat sections of the mountain façade.

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The fresh greenery stands out behind the scaffolding and against the faux reddish-brown rocks.

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There was grass on these spots previously, but it had long since faded and been destroyed/

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There is some fake moss closer to the bottom of the mountain and on the supports of the Tiana’s Foods water tower.

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We previously saw new sod placed on this peninsula within a curve of the ride’s flume.

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We could hear jack hammering somewhere in the construction site, possibly under the bridge.

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When we went down to look, we could see holes in the lefthand tunnel, where several crew members were working.

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Around the side of the mountain, we saw a few more crew members.

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Scaffolding covers most of the façade.

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We don’t know how far along interior construction is.

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We visited the Frontierland railroad station to get a better look at the queue.

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Much of the queue’s pavement has been torn up to be replaced.

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We could see a dirt site behind construction walls.

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Tire tracks show where a construction vehicle has been.

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The barn that guests enter through has been repainted yellow. Scaffolding is still up around it following painting.

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Despite crews taking multiple trips to the top of the barn, the Br’er Rabbit figure is still at the top of the weathervane.

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He could remain part of the area’s theming as an Easter egg. Tiana will be visiting some critters similar to Br’er Rabbit and co. during Tiana’s Bayou Adventure, so he’s not entirely out of place.

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Crew members were working in the back section of the queue, too.

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Despite construction, guests can still go behind the Tiana’s Bayou Adventure queue to access the restrooms and Splash Mountain pressed penny machine.

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Tiana’s Bayou Adventure

Tiana's Bayou Adventure concept art

During Tiana’s Bayou Adventure, Tiana, Naveen, and Louis venture into the bayou to find animal friends as they prepare for a special Mardi Gras celebration.

The ride will feature 17 new characters, including Prince Naveen’s younger brother, Ralphie. There will be multiple Tiana audio-animatronics, and she has a new adventuring outfit.

Tiana's Bayou Adventure concept art featuring Louis, Tiana, and animal band

The scene depicted in the above concept art is “the thrilling moment you first drop into the bayou and encounter some friends both new and familiar.” Louis and a band of animals will be playing zydeco music, a blend of rhythm and blues that was created in Louisiana. The band of animal friends includes an otter, a rabbit, a raccoon, a beaver, and a turtle playing instruments made from natural bayou elements.

Award-winning artists PJ Morton and Terence Blanchard will arrange the queue and attraction music with a mix of songs from “The Princess and the Frog,” New Orleans classics, and original compositions.

The scent of beignets will be pumped throughout the queue.

tianas bayou adventure mama odie

Most of the original cast will be providing their voices to the attraction, including Anika Noni Rose (Tiana), Bruno Campos (Naveen), Michael Leon Wooley (Louis), and Jennifer Lewis (Mama Odie). The above concept art shows Mama Odie in the crow’s nest of her home surrounded by glowing bottles.

Are you excited to ride Tiana’s Bayou Adventure? Let us know in the comments.

What are your thoughts on this overhaul and transformation of Splash Mountain? Let us know in the comments.

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