New Disney Lorcana Narrative Video Teases Rise of the Floodborn

Shannen Ace

New Disney Lorcana Narrative Video Teases Rise of the Floodborn

Shannen Ace

New Disney Lorcana Narrative Video Teases Rise of the Floodborn

Disney Lorcana has released a new video showing more of the game’s story, specifically a moment that led to the next chapter, Rise of the Floodborn.

New Rise of the Floodborn Lore Video

The video is captioned, “Martin finds a mysterious, locked lorebook hidden in the Great Illuminary…” Martin is an Illumineer who appeared in the second narrative teaser video, wearing green and yellow clothing alluding to the Emerald and Amber inks.

The new video depicts a moment previously described by Disney Lorcana’s Narrative Lead, Samantha McFerrin, in an interview with IGN.

When the Illumineer finds the locked lorebook in a somewhat hidden inkcasting room, it’s a complete mystery as to how it got there.

When it’s accidentally opened, the force that comes out of it is so big and explosive, it’s hard to know what it is. But it crashes out of the lorebook, through the Great Illuminary, and into the Inklands, leaving damage in its wake.

Essentially, the Great Illuminary has sprouted a big leak. The six magical inks are now flowing out of it, turning storyborn and dreamborn glimmers to floodborn and changing the Inklands in unusual ways.

Disney Lorcana Narrative Lead Samantha McFerrin
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We now know Martin was the Illumineer McFerrin was referring to. He found the lorebook in a dark room surrounded by branches.

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When it began lighting up and singing, Martin used his instrument to play a song in response, which accidentally unlocked the lorebook.

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This released the flood of ink that created the Floodborn. Floodborn characters are created when Storyborn or Dreamborn characters come into contact with the flood. It alters them in an unexpected way. For example, the Floodborn Tinker Bell is a giant instead of a tiny fairy. Read more about Floodborn characters and how they compare to Storyborn and Dreamborn characters.

lorcana rise of the floodborn launch

Launch is the first Disney Lorcana card that’s original to the story. It depicts a catapult mechanism that appears to use a coconut from the “Moana”-inspired Coconut Basket card and the “Lilo & Stitch” Plasma Blaster, which has its own card and is wielded by Lilo — Galactic Hero.

“Launch is an action card,” McFerrin told IGN, “with a strong mechanic and an illustration of a whimsical contraption. Lorcana is a magical realm with a distinct style, and we will reveal more exciting things connected to the realm in future sets. We always want narrative and game design to align, so we do plan to bring the details from the realm into cards.”

Disney Lorcana: Rise of the Floodborn will be released at specialty stores on Friday, November 17, and have a wider release on December 1, 2023, along with the game’s Disney100 edition. Read more:

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