REVIEW: New Skittles Fudge Bites From Main Street Confectionery at Magic Kingdom

Shannen Ace

Skittles fudge bites, Main Street Confectionery

REVIEW: New Skittles Fudge Bites From Main Street Confectionery at Magic Kingdom

Shannen Ace

Skittles fudge bites, Main Street Confectionery

REVIEW: New Skittles Fudge Bites From Main Street Confectionery at Magic Kingdom

The newest unique treat available at the Main Street Confectionery in Magic Kingdom is Skittles fudge bites. A set of these treats includes five different flavored bites of Skittle-flavored fudge wrapped in white chocolate with a skittle inside. They can be found in the case at the Main Street Confectionery counter.

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Skittles Fudge Bites – $11.99

Skittles fudge bites, Main Street Confectionery

The five flavors are strawberry, green apple, lemon, grape, and orange.

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Though the bites are wrapped in white chocolate, whether or not you like them hinges on whether or not you like Skittles. The shells taste like white chocolate but the fudge inside has a strong Skittles flavor.

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They are a fun and interesting way to get your Skittles and chocolate fix if that’s what you want.

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As you might expect, these are extremely sweet.

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The strawberry bite tasted the most like a traditional Confectionery treat.

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The bonus regular Skittles candy in the center of the bites was a fun texture surprise. The bites are soft and thick, while the candy is chewy.

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If you have a favorite Skittles flavor, you’ll probably like that fudge bite the best. For example, we’re partial to lemon and green apple, so liked those two fudge bites.

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The green apple tasted like cake, maybe because the flavor isn’t as intense and it paired well with the white chocolate.

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The lemon-flavored fudge bite reminded us of lemon meringue pie.

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The grape and orange fudge bites reminded us of medicine, but held true to their original Skittles flavoring.

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For us, these are too sugary, and eating all of them has our stomachs displeased. They aren’t bad, but there are better treats and more reasonably sweet alternatives at the Main Street Confectionery, and in Magic Kingdom generally.

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They are an interesting, fun treat, but not worth the tummy ache.

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That said, if you love Skittles, you might love these — and they would be easy to share with a group.

Read more of our recent treat reviews from Walt Disney World:

Are you going to try the Skittles fudge bites? Let us know in the comments.

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