A new pre-show inspired by Walt Disney Animation Studios’ upcoming feature film, “Wish,” has debuted ahead of “World of Color – Season of Light” at Disney California Adventure.
‘Wish’ Pre-Show at ‘World of Color – Season of Light’
The pre-show features the film’s main character, Asha, singing “This Wish,” performed by Ariana DeBose.
Star, a character inspired by wishing stars from past Disney movies, makes an appearance.
Valentino, Asha’s talking goat also shows up briefly.
The pre-show, which clocks in at under five minutes, begins with the intro:
Good evening everyone. Take a moment and cast your eyes upward. Take in the night sky and see all the stars — so many wishes just waiting to be fulfilled. But have you ever wondered how a wishing star originally came to be?
Tonight, you’ll catch a glimpse into the story behind that very special star. We are excited for you to meet Star and Asha from Walt Disney Studios’ latest animated feature, “Wish.”
Disney Parks first announced the new pre-show earlier today, November 17, on Instagram.
This is the latest pre-show to be added to “World of Color” at Disney California Adventure; previously, a pre-show for Pixar’s “Elemental” was added to promote the film back in June.
You can check out our full video of “Wish” Pre-Show – “World of Color – Season of Light” at Disney California Adventure below.
“Wish” is set to release in theaters domestically on November 22, 2023. Watch the official trailer:
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